Raymond Hernandez

Email hern939@usc.edu
Office VPD 405-D
I am an occupational therapist (OT) by training and am interested in generating tools and knowledge that can ultimately support the practice of OTs and health promotion practitioners generally (e.g., ergonomists, psychologists, lifestyle redesign practitioners, etc.). One of my areas of focus has been helping to develop measurements capturing the need for recovery from the demands of everyday life (e.g., work, schoolwork, caregiving, etc.). For instance, we have investigated the validity of lifestyle balance relevant measures. Another area of focus has been examination of factors that can cause fluctuations in cognitive performance, such as level of whole day workload exposure and blood glucose levels. Cognitive performance is a key aspect of everyday functioning. Methodologically, I am interested in psychometrics and longitudinal data analysis.
- Ph.D. Occupational Science, USC Chan Division of OS/OT, 2021
- M.S. Occupational Therapy, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2015