The USC Brain Health Observatory aims to make research and data on brain disorder available and accessible.

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Disease Burden

Healthcare Personnel

Imaging Equipment

Healthcare Personnel: Psychiatrists

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Practicing Nurses
Practicing Physicians
Primary Care Physicians
Dementia Specialists

Persons (count)

Persons (count)
Persons per million population

Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Australia 3,547 3,547 3,780 3,903 4,103 4,207 4,324 4,487 4,721
Canada 5,285 5,458 5,605 5,804 5,924 6,133 6,207 6,341 6,473 6,580 6,538 6,631
France 13,857 14,275 14,510 14,733 14,895 15,034 15,154 15,231 15,236 15,373 15,451
Germany 20,765 21,189 21,390 21,486 21,773 22,257 22,540 22,723 22,980 23,237 23,438
Italy 10,879 10,987 10,598 10,900 10,956 10,815 10,519 10,532 10,322 10,382 10,877 11,449
Japan 14,201 14,733 15,187 15,609 15,925 16,490
South Korea 2,616 3,307 3,409 3,534 3,650 3,716 3,794 3,928 4,004 4,159 4,283
Spain 4,532 4,705 4,837 4,844 4,891 4,903 4,862 4,909 5,117 5,582 5,571
Sweden 1,993 2,037 2,098 2,169 2,230 2,269 2,312 2,360 2,384 2,280
Taiwan 1,290 1,362 1,431 1,573 1,610 1,646 1,704 1,749 1,785 1,839 1,881
United Kingdom 11,637 11,745 11,696 11,747 11,782 11,780 11,741 11,914 11,948 12,343 12,745 13,130
United States 43,732 43,961 44,546 45,698 45,956 46,284 46,589 47,215 47,035 47,533