USC Sea Grant 2024-2027 Strategic Plan


USC Sea Grant Strategic Plan 2024 2027 Cover Page

USC Sea Grant’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan was developed from 2023-2024, relying on input from the range of interests and stakeholders at the national, regional, state and local levels. We surveyed members of our Advisory Council, Academic Coordinators and the California Natural Resources Agency Sea Grant Advisory Panel (RASGAP), as well as a diversity of community members in the region. These included: individuals from local and state governments, marine transportation and ports, K-12 and higher education professionals, coastal businesses, university researchers, native peoples, commercial fisheries (including aquaculture), nonprofit environmental organizations, coastal residents, and communications professionals. 

The major focus areas of the USC Sea Grant plan are aligned with the four major focus areas of the National Sea Grant 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. We continue to prioritize the elements of our research, extension, and education portfolio in order to focus on the most pressing concerns of the greater urban Southern California region. 

USC Sea Grant’s major focus areas are: