Ocean Science Curriculum and Resources

At USC Sea Grant, we provide educators with up-to-date content, lesson plans, and resources to facilitate teaching ocean sciences and increase communication between educators and ocean researchers. Explore below to learn about the list of curriculum resources we have developed, as well as links to other resources for the region.

Aquatic Invasive Species

Island Explorers Program

Kelp Forest Science and Activity Guide

The Kelp Forest Science and Activity Guide for Teachers and Students will help teach both the natural history and the current scientific understanding about this remarkable algae, and how we can preserve and restore the forests of our oceans. To study nature is to encourage stewardship.

View the Kelp Forest Science and Activity Guide for Teachers and Students

MPA: Our Undersea Legacy

The Our Undersea Legacy: A Curriculum Resource for Marine Protected Areas in Southern California provides over eight lesson plans about our California ocean, the science of MPAs, and how we can protect our coast.

Access the “Our Undersea Legacy” Curriculum Resource

Learn more about USC Sea Grant’s work on MPAs

Sea Grant and NOAA Education Links

The Bridge Ocean Science Education Resource Center provides education resources from throughout the Sea Grant and NOAA Education networks with lesson plans for all age levels.

NOAA Education Resource Collections: this portal is designed to help educators access education resources distributed from NOAA and NOAA partner websites in one location.

Youth Exploring Sea Level Rise Science (YESS)

The YESS (Youth Exploring Sea Level Rise Science) project empowers youth to engage directly in climate change solutions in their own communities. Through an experiential education program that incorporates hands-on science and digital storytelling, high school students explore how their lives will be impacted by sea level rise, collect their own data and create storytelling products, and contribute meaningfully to local science and policy decisions. USC Sea Grant is a key partner in developing the curriculum and expanding the project into Southern California.

Access Curriculum

Learn more about the program

Contact Us

USC Sea Grant

3454 Trousdale Pkwy, CAS 200
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0373
(213) 740-1961


For More Information

If you’re looking for something and can’t find it, please don’t hesitate to contact us!