Identifying best fishing practices for recreational anglers to minimize negative impacts on Kelp bass

Very little is known about the negative effects of recreational catch-and-release fishing on fish health, especially for fish populations in decline. This makes it difficult for regulatory agencies to identify fishing practices that balance fish health and recreational fishing community needs. University of Southern California (USC) Sea Grant funded a study to examine the impacts of recreational catch-and-release fishing on kelp bass, one of the most important recreationally fished species in Southern California. Partnering with local recreational fishers to gather data, the study analyzed biochemical responses to stress and rates of recovery from stress due to catch and release angling and handling.

Key Results:

  • The project provides a scientific basis for best practices for the capture, handling, and release of kelp bass 
  • After participating in this study, the volunteer recreational fishers indicated that they were more likely to adhere to these science-based best practices for catch and release and felt a greater stewardship for the fishery


Project Impacts & Application:

  • Results have been shared with regulatory agencies, at four major conferences, and with over 14 sportfishing clubs throughout Southern California 


Principal Investigator:

Christopher Lowe, Ph.D., California State University, Long Beach



NOAA, 2016-2018


Additional Info and Publications:

  • McGarigal, C. R., & Lowe, C. G. (2022). Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Angling Stress on Kelp Bass, an Important Game Fish in Southern California. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 14(6), e10224.

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Images from Project

Volunteer holding up a large fish they caught

Volunteer holding up a large fish they caught

Volunteers taking a blood sample from a fish

Volunteers taking a blood sample from a fish

Volunteer deploying a tracking bouy

Volunteer deploying a tracking bouy

Volunteers help with catch and release fishing

Volunteers help with catch and release fishing