Clara Alvarez Caraveo

Pronouns She / Her / Hers
Clara Alvarez Caraveo is a first-year PhD student in the Sociology department at the University of Southern California. Her word focuses on access to the social saftey net among immigrant and mixed-status families. Previously Clara Alvarez Caraveo worked as a research analyst at the Urban Institute, where she examined on a wide range of research topics, including health care workforce diversity, supports for immigrant families, access to the social safety net, and insurance coverage for pregnant and postpartum women. Clara earned her BA in Sociology from Cornell University. As an undergraduate, she participated in the National Leadership Alliance.
- BA Cornell University, 5/2019
Journal Article
- Johnston, E., McMorrow, S., Alvarez Caraveo, C., Dubay, L. (2021). Post-ACA, More Than One-Third Of Women With Prenatal Medicaid Remained Uninsured Before Or After Pregnancy: Study examines insurance coverage and access to care before, during, and after pregnancy for women with prenatal Medicaid coverage. Health Affairs. Vol. 40 (4), pp. 571-578. Link
Research Report
- Benatar, S., Mitchelle, F., Taylor, K., Alvarez Caraveo, C., Liu, J. (2023). Disparities in Preventive Care Receipt During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Urban Institute. link
- Alvarez Caraveo, C., Johnston, E. (2023). Perinatal Health among Medicaid Beneficiaries in North Carolina, 2018. Urban Institute. Link
- Alvarez Caraveo, C., Allen, E. (2022). Diversifying the US Health Care Workforce Isn’t Enough on Its Own. Urban Institute. Link
- Alvarez Caraveo, C., Basurto, L., Gonzalez, D., Wang Pan, C. (2021). Barriers to Medicaid and CHIP Coverage for Eligible but Uninsured Latinx Children. Link
- Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Honorable Mention, 2022-2023