Michael Donkor – London, UK
Studying abroad in London was truly life-changing and holds a special place in my heart. As a pre-med student involved in a pre-health program, I navigated academics while immersing myself in a new culture, and I’m excited to share my experiences.
Manuel Robles – Brighton, UK
Going abroad is a time period where you can be yourself and have a bit of freedom to choose what you want to gain from the experience. Most of the learning abroad is done outside the classroom: talking with the locals, trying new foods, traveling to new places, making new friends, learning how to be a bit more independent, etc. The most important thing to remember is to be patient with yourself and live in the moment!
Hannah Contreras – Edinburgh, UK
Don’t be afraid to say “yes” to things and do your time abroad on your own terms. Don’t compare yourself to your friends or the things you see on social media; instead, get out of your head and be in the moment, because once it’s over it feels like one beautiful dream that you can’t believe actually happened.
Hazel Sepenuk – Bristol, UK
Bristol is a very unique place, and a great city for university students. Everyone is excited to meet everyone, and there is never enough time to do everything. Trust me, as soon as you leave Bristol, you’ll want to go back!
Cindy Yang – London, UK
Take things at your own pace. It’s going to be an eye-opening experience and a wonderful life-long memory.
Ronnie McFarlane – London, UK
As someone who has lived only in LA my whole life, I was very anxious about living in another country for a semester. But, knowing that I wasn’t alone among my peers who felt this way, we were able to learn and make the most of it together.
Irith Katiyar – Brighton, UK
Get out of your comfort zone and stay there: being in a foreign environment will feel uncomfortable—but that’s okay! Keep trying new things, ask other exchange students questions about their daily lives back home, and let yourself be a bit more spontaneous with your time.
Eduard Ghazaryan – London, UK
Go to your program with an open mind without having too many expectations. Go with an exploratory mindset and try everything that comes your way.
Diya Srivastava – Cambridge, UK
Pembroke is so special to me: it genuinely changed the trajectory of my life, habits, academics, and confidence. Excited to hear from you!
Dan D’Adamo – Brighton, UK
You won’t regret study abroad, I promise you won’t miss out on anything back at USC. Everyone says get outside your comfort zone, but I’ll advise you to just say yes as much as possible.