1. Obtain the five-digit registration code for your program from the Office of Overseas Studies.
2. Log in at the USC Web Registration site at https://camel.usc.edu/webreg/Login.asp
- Select the term (eg. Spring 2016)
- If you are registered for USC on-campus courses, now is the time to drop those courses if you are fully accepted to your study abroad program.
- Click on the black “Class Number” (not Course Number) tile at the top row of tiles under “Select Classes.”
- When you get to a blank box asking for the “Section Number,” enter the 5-digit “Class Number” for your overseas program.
- Make sure to CONFIRM your selection as you normally would for on-campus classes
3. You may have an advisement hold that has been placed by your major department. If you get an error message stating that you cannot register because you have such a hold, you will need to call or e-mail your major advisor to ask that the hold be lifted.
4. If you have any kind of Collections Hold, you can not register or go abroad until that hold is cleared.
5. Please remember that Overseas Block Units are a placeholder to maintain your status as a registered USC student. This status is important as it allows your financial aid to be disbursed, allows your USC e-mail account to remain active, etc. Registration for Overseas Block Units is totally unrelated to your registration in the courses you will actually take overseas, a process that most students will finalize when they get to their program site.
The number of units listed in your Overseas Block Enrollment does NOT necessarily reflect the actual number of USC units you will earn from your fall semester abroad.