Ziteng (Tiger) Zeng – USC Paris
Majors: French; Mechanical Engineering
Email: timzeng@usc.edu
Talk to me about: Literally everything… Europe, France, travelling, backpacking, emotional support; Host family; Studying abroad as an engineer; Double major and study abroad; Study abroad as an international student; I left home during an early age and I have been studying abroad for 10 years now. It’s no small task making that step out of your comfort zone, but it has been an extremely rewarding experience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Advice: Well, just let life take you wherever! You have made the step to go abroad and that was the hard part. Language, of course, my French was not very good before I left, but it improved so fast there! Make no mistakes, it wasn’t all cream and butter, there were times when I felt alone, heartbroken, and frustrated. But you just gotta keep going: hang out with the locals, try new things, keep travelling, embed yourself in the French lifestyle, there is so much to see and learn! I learned more about art history in Paris than all the years I have spent in the art class! In the end, I traveled across half Europe, made so much friends there, and found a job at a farm making cheese and another job at a real estate agency in Paris. And most importantly, I get to know who I am, from another Latin perspective.