Laura See – University of Melbourne

  • Major: Public Policy

  • Minor: Political Science

  • Email:


G’day mate! I am a pre-law public policy major, and I loved learning about politics from an outside-US perspective. Australia was absolutely amazing; I went camping, fed kangaroos, went diving at the Great Barrier Reef, chilled at summer barbies, watched some footy, and surfed all over Australia. I also traveled all around Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and Europe throughout the semester and into the summer. I went on so many adventures that I never thought possible before going abroad, so feel free to ask me about everything from school to travel to learning how to surf!

Advice: Moving to a new country and meeting new friends can be intimidating, but that just means any study abroad student feels the same way! Don’t hesitate to reach out to people, get involved in activities, and get out of your comfort zone. My personal favorite activity was surf club at UniMelb. We went on three camping trips, and I met so many amazing people from all over the world. I even went to visit some of them in Europe over the summer!


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