Anna Fang – University of Queensland


Talk to me about: Studying abroad in Australia! Taking the trek down under means getting to meet amazing people and exploring stunning natural beauty. Whether it’s snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef or immersing yourself in an exciting rugby match, Australia has something to offer for everyone. As a hopeful veterinarian, there was no better place for me to be than Brisbane Australia! So feel free to ask me any questions about being pre-health abroad, why Brissy is the most amazing city, or even just choosing Australia as a destination for your study abroad journey.

Advice: My best tip for studying abroad in Australia, or anywhere else, is to say yes. There are so many amazing adventures out there if you are willing to go find them, and while going somewhere alone can be scary, it can also be life changing. My experience abroad was shaped by doing things that were out of my comfort zone whether it was joining new student organizations where I did not know anyone, taking a solo trip, or volunteering at a local koala sanctuary. By being open to new experiences, I was able to meet so many amazing people (and critters), experience the richness of Australia’s diverse culture, as well as see so much of the beautiful land that is Australia. So my best advice is to go in with an open mind and heart because many of the best experiences are hidden where you may not always think to look.


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