Ruby Perlman at USC Madrid

  • Program: USC Madrid

    Term: Spring 2024

    Major: International Relations Global Business

    Minor: Spanish

The decision to study in Madrid was driven by my profound connection to the Spanish language and culture, which began with my Ecuadorian grandmother insisting I learn Spanish and about my heritage. After my enriching experience as a spring admit studying abroad in Paris, I was eager to further my international education in a Spanish-speaking country. The USC Madrid program stood out to me due to its dedication to the full immersion of the Spanish language with the homestay program and classes instructed only in Spanish.

Living with a host family in Madrid significantly improved my Spanish-speaking skills. My host mother was very different from me and she did not exactly share the same opinions I had. This led to many thought-provoking conversations which encouraged me to improve my vocabulary. It was an interesting insight into the different ways of thinking in such a politically active country. What we were learning in class she would reflect on her opinions which showed my roommate and me a different side of what we were being taught in the classroom.

One of my favorite memories from the USC Madrid program was participating in the events that were recommended by our faculty advisor. My friends and I took cooking classes and made a traditional Spanish meal with students from other universities who were also studying abroad. Additionally, I was able to travel around Europe with my friends in the program, and being able to explore not only Madrid but different countries on the weekends made some of the most memorable moments of my time abroad. On the last day of the program coming together, everyone went out on matching I <3 Madrid shirts and we all signed them like a yearbook and that was the best way to spend the last night of the program.