
AnnaBella Grant (she/her) is an Early Americanist fifth-year Ph.D candidate advised by Peter C. Mancall.

Currently, AnnaBella is working on her dissertation project, which is a microhistory on slavery and the slave trade in Bristol, Rhode Island.

While at the University of Southern California, AnnaBella has focused on research involving New England, including a project about Martha’s Vineyard hereditary deafness. She has also held several executive board positions for the History Graduate Student Association including the Graduate Student Senator, and Vice President. AnnaBella has also been part of the Cohen Lecture Committee thrice.

Prior to her doctoral work at University of Southern California, AnnaBella completed her Masters in Modern European History under the tuition of Dr. Anna Maguire at King’s College London, in London, England. Her dissertation, an examination of the relationship between Black and white women during the London Feminist Movement achieved merit status.

Before her time at King’s College, AnnaBella attended the American University of Washington D.C. for her undergraduate degree where she completed a thesis about the politics of fashion in 18th century England under the tutelage of Dr. Kate Haulman, Dr. Mary Frances Giandrea, and Dr. Gautham Rao.

Aside from her research, AnnaBella, born and raised in the smallest state of Rhode Island, has a passion for teaching, reading, pin collecting, cats, academic theory, and the United States Postal Service.


  • BA American University Dc
  • MA Kings’ College
  • Research Specialties

    15th-18th centuries, United States history, New England history, occultism in New England, Religion in New England, Slavery, racism, and theory.