Presentation Opportunities
Phi Alpha Theta Annual Regional Conference for Southern California
This is the main honors association for history undergraduates. USC has a chapter that is housed in the Van Hunnick History Department. Every spring a given university in the Southern California PAT region hosts a conference in which undergraduates, organized into panels of 3-4 students, have the opportunity to present research papers on any aspect of history. USC students have participated and benefited from the experience of sharing ideas with peers, parents, and professors. Location and date changes, but it is held during the Spring term with a paper and panel proposals due earlier in that term. Phi Alpha Theta also holds a national Bi-annual Convention. See for more information about prizes offered by the national society.
The Scroll Unrolled
This is a research conference in which the students who are accepted to The Scroll (USC’s Undergraduate History Research Journal) present their work. It occurs biannually. Contact the Scroll email for more information:
Undergraduate Symposium for Scholarly and Creative Work
The Undergraduate Symposium for Scholarly and Creative Work provides undergraduates with the unique opportunity to exhibit and share examples of their significant research and creativity with the university community. Students may present work in a variety of ways, such as through poster/panel sessions, art exhibits, and electronic media. All undergraduates are encouraged to participate.
Undergraduate Writer’s Conference
The competition culminates in the Undergraduate Writers’ Conference on Wednesday, April 1. Your essay is your ticket of admission to the awards ceremony.
Publication Opportunities Dedicated to Undergraduate Essays – At USC:
OAPS – Outstanding Academic Papers by Students
This USC publication showcases successful entries to the USC Writers’ Conference and other venues (See above).
The Scroll
The USC History Undergraduate Research Journal: This online research journal is sponsored by USC’s chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the History Honors Society, and is run by undergraduate students at USC. The Scroll accepts submissions on historical topics from any students at USC, majors and non-majors. It is published biannually. Contact the Scroll email for more information:
The USC Levan Ethics Essay Contest
Aims to recognize the best written work on ethics by USC undergraduate students. Papers can be a discussion of a current ethical issue, or a critical case analysis of recent ethics violations in a professional field (engineering, business, health sciences, law, politics, etc.) Winning essays will be submitted to USC Levan Institute’s Social Justice Review, an international undergraduate online journal dedicated to the publication of undergraduate work pertaining to the themes of social justice.
Publication Opportunities Dedicated to Undergraduate Essays – Outside of USC:
Chicago Journal of History
The Chicago Journal of History, an undergraduate historical review at the University of Chicago. The Journal’s mission is to provide not only a print as well as online publication opportunity for undergraduates, but also a forum for ideas and guided intellectual passion that will allow dedicated students of history and related fields from across the country to exchange ideas with one another. With its print and online presence, the journal acts as a point of initiation for lively exchanges.
We have no particular thematic restrictions. Our editorial board’s members have backgrounds in many geographical, periodical, and thematic specializations. Most successful submissions range from 15 to 25 pages, although this does not represent so much a strict requirement as a suggestion to applicants. Please be sure to format citations in the Chicago style and include a works cited page. Papers should be submitted to as an MS Word or PDF attachment (document title: “Last name+paper title”). We will also gladly answer any inquiries and concerns sent to this address. For more information about the journal and to read our previous issues, please visit our website, or post questions through our facebook page. -
Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History
The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History accepts nominations in September from professors of outstanding research papers produced by undergraduates. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate history students to have their work reviewed, edited, and potentially published. If there are any papers you feel may be worthy of publication or any senior theses of note, please send the names of the students and their contact information to From the nominated papers, the editors will select five to six articles to be published in the Journal, and the top three authors will be invited to the Herbert Aptheker Undergraduate History Conference at Columbia University to give talks on their research. The authors invited to the History Conference will also receive a small honorarium.
History Matters, Appalachian State University
History Matters is an undergraduate history journal, published online annually by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board. At History Matters, our goal is to publish the best undergraduate historical research possible. In doing so, we would like to provide an opportunity for top undergraduates from a variety of schools to be recognized for their work, familiarize them with the publishing process, and encourage student-faculty collaboration. We hope that all students who take part in this process will become better writers and self-editors. In all of our endeavors, we are committed to publishing the papers of students who have worked hard and deserve recognition. We are especially seeking research papers that utilize primary sources. Submissions are due in January.
North American Conference on British Studies Undergraduate Essay Contest
Each year the NACBS awards eight prizes of $100.00 each to the best essays on British topics submitted by undergraduates studying in American and Canadian universities.
Report, United States Military Academy
Report is a historical review that publishes the work of undergraduate students. They are expanding to include submissions from students at other colleges and universities. They encourage submissions from all undergraduates interested in historical research. Report is published both electronically and in booklet form during the spring and fall semesters. Please do not submit works already submitted to of published by other academic journals, and refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for citation guidelines and footnote form. Please include an email address and phone number with submissions. Contact the editors at with any questions.
The Michigan Journal of History
Undergraduate students who have completed original research in any subfield of history are encouraged to apply. We are also happy to read papers that adopt an historical approach in anthropology, political science, law, international studies, area studies, ethnic studies, and gender and sexuality studies, and other related disciplines. Papers must be 10-30 pages (double-spaced) and cannot have been previously published. Please submit submissions to For more information on the Michigan Journal of History and to view previous volumes, visit
The Penn Undergraduate Law Journal
As an undergraduate publication, PULJ will only accept written works by undergraduate students. We accept a wide array of submission types, including, but not limited to: research papers, senior theses, and independent projects or studies. Given the interdisciplinary focus of our publication, students in any field of study are welcome to submit their work, so long as their piece pertains to law or the legal system. If you are unsure whether your piece qualifies, we encourage you to submit it anyway. To ensure our selection process is equitable, all submissions are carefully considered and thoroughly reviewed by our editors in a three-tiered editing process. Please note that students may submit more than one written work.
Yale Historical Review
The Yale Historical Review, a student-run publication that showcases excellent undergraduate history papers, would like to extend an invitation to your students who love history to submit papers they’ve written over the course of their college careers. Students who are interested in submitting can email their work in an attachment to and a selection of papers will be published in our upcoming issue. Besides their basic information, they should include the name of the course for which the paper was written, the name of the professor, and their year in school. Submissions are usually due in October.
Vanderbilt Historical Review
The Vanderbilt Historical Review is a student-run, undergraduate journal of history. The Review strives to provide a forum that is dedicated to facilitating dialogue on topics relating to history and historiography. Working closely with the history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, we showcase the exceptional work of students through our academic journal and shorter articles on our blog. Our goal is to encourage discussions about historical trends, patterns, and ideas through our publication. For more information, please visit