Internships for Course Credit: Hist 496
- Do you want to earn course credit for on-the-job work experience?
- Would you like to explore vocational opportunities in history beyond the academy or in the K12 classroom?
- Are you interested in a particular subject (such as fashion design, the music or film industry, the American West, the Holocaust, etc.) that is the focus of a Los Angeles museum or research center?
The Van Hunnick History Department offers internships in public history through History 496. Students spend 8 hours weekly volunteering at a museum, library, cultural center, public school, or government non-profit. They also attend classes on campus to discuss public history, and work on a site-based final project such as an exhibit, walking tour, oral history, multi-media presentation, K12 lesson plan, etc. Previous students in History 496 have pursued internships at the Autry Museum of the American West, the Wende Museum of the Cold War, USC Special Collections, a film-production studio, and the Office of the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles. Many more opportunities are available throughout Los Angeles.
Paid Internships
Occasionally the Department receives requests from organizations seeking paid student employment (not Work-Study). Recent opportunities have included:
- The Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research (16-20 hours per week greeting library users, answering the phone, assisting researchers, filing, shelving books and other library materials, some data entry).
- The USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute and the Huntington-USC Institute for California and the West (ca. 10 hours per week, working primarily in the local USC Office of these institutes).