
Diagram of employees engaging in office activities like reviewing chartsA promotion is the advancement of a current university employee to a position at a higher level that may have greater authority. The two recognized university methods for promoting employees are “competitive hire” promotions and “internal department” promotions.

⚠️Departments may not make a commitment to the employee until Compensation staff has reviewed and approved the promotion. The effective date should be no earlier than the approval date.⚠️

The promoted employee is not guaranteed any increase in pay because of the change in responsibilities; however a wage or salary increase is typically a fair response to an “internal department” promotion. The rate of pay for the position is determined on the same basis as any candidate newly hired into a posted position. The effective date of the pay increase may not be retroactive. If you have any questions, contact

Required Documents Responsible
Rationale/justification for internal promotion

  1. Demonstrate why the candidate’s knowledge, experience and skill level uniquely qualify him or her for the position.
  2. Explain why others within the school or division are not similarly qualified and were not or would not be considered.
  3. Explain why external candidates would not be considered.
Proposed job description Supervisor/manager
Proposed organizational chart (if applicable) Department and human resources
Current job description Human resources
Updated resume Employee


  • Allow a turn around time of 6 – 8 weeks.
  • Transaction freeze from April 1 – June 30 on market adjustments, off cycle pay increases (not tied to regulatory requirements) and internal promotion.


A reclassification of an employee to a different position is a corrective action that typically occurs when it is determined by Compensation staff (through the position reassessment process) that an employee is utilizing a job description that does not appropriately reflect current duties and responsibilities.

Please fill out the following paperwork and forward to

⚠️Before completing the forms below, please ensure that you have discussed and obtained the appropriate funding source account number(s) from your designated Dornsife Deputy Director. The effective date should be no earlier than the approval date.⚠️

Required Documents Responsible
Position questionnaire (no signature) Employee
Rationale memo Supervisor/manager
Proposed org chart (if applicable) Supervisor/manager
Proposed job description (no signature) Supervisor/manager
Current org chart Human Resources
Current signed job description Human Resources
Salary benchmark Human Resources


  • Allow a turn around time of 6 – 8 weeks.


  1. Consult with Human Resources regarding requests.
  2. Compile/complete requested documentation and submit to Human Resources.
  3. Follow up meetings with Human Resources to discuss edits and changes.
  4. Documents are submitted to deputy director for funding and review.
  5. Documents are submitted by Human Resources to Compensation for final review and determination.

If approved

  1. Notice of approval will be sent by Human Resources to supervisor/manager.
    a.  Documents requiring signature will be the Position Questionnaire, updated Job Description and updated Job Information Questionnaires.
    i.  Memo will be provided by Human Resources confirming approval.
  2. Once documents are returned, Human Resources will submit to USC Dornsife Payroll Services for processing in Workday.
  3. If denied, Human Resources will schedule a meeting to discuss results and next steps.

Requesting to Extend a Fixed-Term or Postdoctoral Appointment

All requests to extend fixed-term or Postdoctoral appointments must be submitted through the myDornsife portal using the Postdoc/Fixed Term/Grant-funded Reappointment Process application.

If you require access to this application, send an email to

Requests for employees that require continued visa sponsorship should be made at least 3-6 months prior to their current end date.



Overload is a payment to an employee who is going to temporarily perform duties unrelated to their normal responsibilities or who is going to temporarily assume additional responsibilities. Overload payments for the assignment of additional duties are not mandatory.


  • Approval must be obtained for an overload prior to the work being performed.
    Overloads cannot be paid retroactively.
  • Rate of pay is not necessarily equal to employee’s current rate of pay, or based upon the rate of the job being performed.
  • Contact Dornsife Human Resources to determine the appropriate rate of pay to offer.
  • The period for which an overload is paid may not exceed 12 months.
  • Overloads involving employees or additional work in a non-Dornsife home department, require additional signatures before submission to Compensation.


  1. Consult with deputy director regarding appropriateness of request and confirmation of funding for the increase.
  2. Supervisor should seek approval to request pay increase from their supervisor.
  3. Complete Dornsife Overload Request Form.
  4. Submit completed form to
  5. Documentation will be reviewed by USC Dornsife HR and Position Control in consultation with USC Compensation. Missing documentation will be requested.

If approved

a. Notification of approval will be prepared and sent to supervisor.
b. Request will be submitted to USC Dornsife Payroll Services for processing in Workday.

If denied, USC Dornsife HR and/or the deputy director will notify the supervisor.


Performance Evaluations

Contact Us

Allan Hancock Foundation Building (AHF 108)
3616 Trousdale Pkwy, AHF 108
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Open Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.