July 2024

  • –  Accolades for two Dornsife Investigators;
    –  External funding success for six faculty;
    –  An internal funding opportunity;
    –  A plethora of external funding opportunities, including one limited submissions;

    –  Announcements of interest including an important announcement from Office of Research and Innovation, and a friendly reminder of Office Hours from Dornsife Research Administration.

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  • –  Prestigious accolade for a Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success achieved by 5 faculty members;
    –  Many and current funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions; and
    –  A friendly reminder of Dornsife Research Administration office hours.

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June 2024

  • –  Honors for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success achieved by four College faculty;
    –  External funding opportunities including 1 limited submission;
    –  Many current and diverse external funding opportunities
    –  Two announcements from DCG regarding FYE 2025 fringe benefit rates and indirect cost rates.
    –  A reminder of Wednesday Office hours for expert support available from Dornsife Research Administration, and
    –  A preview of the new Weekly Report layout and what to look forward starting next week.

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  • – External funding success by 2 Dornsife faculty;
    – A panoply of current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 4 limited submissions;
    – Invitation to connect with the Dornsife Research Administration Office.

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  • – Accolade for Dornsife faculty member;
    – Announcement of external funding success achieved by three Dornsife faculty members;
    – Many and diverse external funding opportunities, including three limited submissions;
    – Reminder of Dornsife Office of Research for assistance in submitting your proposal through Cayuse, USC’s system for proposal and award management. A great opportunity to connect with DRO staff as well!
    – Periodic reminder expert help is available as you consider crafting a proposal to submit from our own Dornsife experts-in-residence.

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  • –  An accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  A total of ten (!) external funding awards obtained by investigators reported;
    –  Current and diverse funding opportunities, including four limited submissions:
    –  Announcements on (1)  recommended summer books; (2) a subscription to Dornsife Communications’ weekly e-newsletter, Newsround; and (3) Dornsife Research Office’s announcement of the Society of Research Administrators International upcoming workshop for postdocs and faculty; and finally (and of course) our reminder of Dornsife Research Office Wednesday office hours.

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May 2024

  • –  Honors for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success for six faculty members;
    –  Current and diverse funding opportunities for your perusal, including three limited submissions;
    –  Updated time and date for NSF PAPPG training per Department of Contracts and Grants;
    –  Reminder of Office Hours for Dornsife Research Administration

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  • –  External funding success for 2 Dornsife faculty members;
    –  External funding opportunities including 1 limited submission;
    –  2 funding opportunities that will consider cost share funding requests from USC’s Research Initiatives and Infrastructure;
    – 3 funding opportunities courtesy Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR);
    –  New layout proposed for the Weekly Report; and
    –  A reminder of Wednesday Office hours for expert support available from Dornsife Research Administration.

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  • –  Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success reported for one College faculty member;
    –  Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including two limited submissions;
    –  Announcement from NIH revisions to the Research Performance Progress Report  instructions to address the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy;
    –  Announcement for Contracts and Grants on Fourth of July office closure; and
    –  Reminder of zoom office hours for help in Research Administration.

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  • –  More details on the celebration of life for Dornsife colleague, Jan Amend;
    –  External funding success obtained by 1 Dornsife investigator;
    –  Diverse and current external funding opportunities, including 7 limited submissions;
    –  Details on NSF’s 2024 Spring 2024 Grants Conference; and
    –  A reminder of Wednesday Dornsife Research Office hours to connect with, and receive assistance from research administration staff.

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April 2024

  • –  External funding success obtained by 1 faculty member;
    –  Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions
    –  A friendly reminder of Wednesday office hours offered by Dornsife Research Administration.

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  • – Honors for 2 Dornsife faculty;
    – Terrific external funding success for 6 Dornsife faculty;
    – External funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions;
    – Announcement of Center for Excellence in Research workshop; and
    – Open invitation to join Office Hours with Dornsife Research Administration staff on Wednesdays.

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  • – External funding success for 2 faculty memberes;
    – Internal prize competion
    – Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 1 limited submission;
    – Announcements for CER workshop (lead by Dornsife’s Heidi Parker); DCG NewsFlash! on NIH’s new preparation and peer review changes effective January 2025; and reminder about Dornsife Research Administration Office Hours.

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  • –  Honor for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success for 4 Dornsife faculty;
    –  Diverse and current external funding opportunities, including one limited submission;
    –  Announcements from the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance on the availability of a new online reference tool to assist researchers; and an announcement from the Dornsife Research Office with a standing invitation to Wednesday Office Hours.

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  • –  A ‘Save the Date’ announcement to honor and celebrate the life of Dornsife’s Divisional Dean of Life Sciences, Jan Amend, who passed in February;
    –  External funding success obtained by 3 College faculty members;
    –  Diverse and external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions;
    –  Announcement of  new NSF-compliant changes to biographical and pending / other support forms coming up May 10th, as well as a DCG-led zoom training on these new changes; and
    –  A reminder of Wednesday Dornsife Research Office hours to connect with research administration support staff.

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March 2024

    • 2 Dornsife faculty have been named Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors;\External funding successes by 2 Dornsife  faculty members;
    • Memo from Dornsife Office of Administration & Finance and the College Office of Undergraduate Education announcing available funding for Dornsife departments, institutes and centers to support undergraduate education;
    • Current external funding opportuntiies, including the NSF CAREER award opportunity, and 1 limited submission; and
    • Announcement of upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop.

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    • Prestigious honor for 1 Dornsife faculty;
    • External funding success obtained by 1 faculty member;
    • 1 Internal funding opportunity;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions;
    • Announcement of upcoming CER workshop — presented by Dornsife’s Chief Grant Strategist, Heidi Parker; and
    • A friendly reminder of Wednesday office hours offered by Dornsife Research Administration.

    Read the newsletter >> 

  • – Honors for two Dornsife faculty members;
    – External success obtained by two faculty members;
    – Current external funding opportunities, including three limited submissions;
    – Announcement for upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop;
    – Friendly reminder of office hours for Dornsife Research Administration.

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  • – Honor for one Dornsife faculty member;
    – External funding success for five Dornsife faculty members;
    – Two USC internal funding opportunities;
    – Current and diverse external funding opportunities;
    – Announcement of upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop;
    – Announcements from DCG on (1) Revised NSF Grants.gov Application Guide; and (2) Reminder on guidelines on PI eligibility for Sponsored Research Projects; and
    – Invitation to Dornsife Research Administration office hours.

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February 2024

    • High honor for one College faculty;
    • One  external funding success obtained by a Dornsife PI;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 4 limited
    • Announcements from Department of Contracts and Grants; and
    • Announcement of upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop.

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    • High recognition for a Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding success obtained by 2 Dornsife faculty members;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions;
    • Invitation from Dr. Sarah Bishop, Dornsife Humanities Grant Consultant, to a brown bag lunch to learn about recent NEH funding opportunities;
    • Another invitation, this time from the Dornsife Research Office, to drop in for zoom office hours for inquiries related to pre award and post award concerns.

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    • An abundance of prestigious accolades:. 4 to be exact.  Kudos to Dornsife faculty!;
    • External funding success for 2 individual college faculty members, and a generous gift for Dornsife’s  Center for Music, Brain and Society;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions;
    • Notice of a DARPA Proposer’s Day for an upcoming BAA; and
    • Updated information on office hours hosted by Dornsife Research Administration.

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    • Accolade for Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding success obtained by College faculty;
    • Diverse external funding opportunities, including 1 limited submission;
    • New Proposer’s Day for The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health  Sprint for Women’s Health;
    • Upcoming Center for Excellence in Research announcement; and
    • Office hours from Dornsife Research Office.

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January 2024

    • Announcement of 2 Dornsife faculty who have received honors;
    • Terrific external funding report — 7 Dornsife faculty have received awards;
    • Many and sundry external funding opportunities, including 4 limited submissions.

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    • External funding success obtained by 3 College faculty;
    • Current funding opportunities, including 4 limited submissions;
    • Announcement from DCG regarding updated NIH requirements for eRA Commons credentials for Senior and Key Personnel on grant proposals.

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    •  1 accolade for a Dornsife faculty member;
    • Correction of a misspelling of a previously announced recipient of a prestigious award;
    • Great external funding success achieved by 4 College faculty;
    • Many external funding opportunities this week including 2 limited submissions;
    • Announcement on NIH update; and
    • Shout out for the Center for Excellence in Research upcoming training program.

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    • External funding success for 2 Dornsife investigators;
    • Many and diverse current funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions:
    • Center for Excellence in Research workshop announcement (1st for 2024 Spring);
    • Invitation to USC faculty, students and staff to participate in a Keck-sponsored symposium on advancing global health partnerships;
    • Pro bono publico research opportunities (2) for the U.S. Department of  Treasury.

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December 2023

  • –  An accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success for Dornsife investigator; and
    –  Many and diverse current funding opportunities, including 4 limited submissions

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  • –  Accolade for a Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External funding success obtained by 2 College faculty; and
    –  Current external funding opportunities including 3 limited submissions and 1 opportunity from Dornsife Corporate and Foundation Relations.

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    • An honor for 1 College faculty member;
    • 1 USC Internal funding opportunity;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions; and
    • An update from DCG on the subaward certifiation form.

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November 2023

  • –  Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    –  External  funding success won by two faculty members;
    –  One internal funding opportunity;
    –  Many and current external funding opportunities, including one limited submission, and two potential funding opportunites that are being managed directly by Dornsife Corporate and Foundation Relations;
    –  NewsFlash from DCG outlining holiday dates and times and closures for DCG;
    –  NSF report on broadening participation in STEM;
    –  And a link to an interview of University Professors Hanna and Antonio Damasio that is both interesting and enlightening.

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  • –  Honors for 2 faculty members;
    –  Terrific external success report: new funding for 5 Dornsife faculty;
    –  Current external funding opportunities including 3 limited submissions and 2 funding opportunities from Corporate & Foundation Relations;
    –  NewsFlash from Department of Contracts and Grants for Faculty and Department Administrators.

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  • –  External funding success for 2 Dornsife faculty members;
    –  Many current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions and 2 opportunities from Dornsife Corporate and Foundation Relations;
    –  Announcement from DCG that will be of interest to Dornsife Investigators and Department Administrators.

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October 2023

    • An honor for Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding success for 2 College faculty;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions; and
    • The last currently schedules Center for Excellence in Research webinar for the Fall 2023 semester.

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    • 1 honor for Dornsife faculty member;
    • 2 external funding successes reported;
    • Current and diverse funding opportunities, including a reposted limited submission that now includes limited submission information; and
    • Information for an upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop.

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    •   An honor conferred upon 1 Dornsife faculty member;
    • New external funding success achieved by 4 College faculty members;
    • A USC internal funding opportunity;
    • Current external funding opportunity, including an anticipated limited submission;
    • An announcement of CER workshop; and
    • NewsFlash! from the Department of Contracts and Grants.

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    • External funding success for 3 faculty members;
    • 1 Internal funding opportunity;
    • Diverse external funding opportunities, including 1 limited submission;
    • Announcement of an upcoming workshop from the Center for Excellence in Research; and
    • NewsFlash! from the Department of Contracts and Grants regarding Health and Human Services communication on the impact of the Contributing Resolution may have on existing and non-competitive award amounts going forward.

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    • 3 external funding successes;
    • Many and diverse and current funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions. Per requests to include forecasted opportunities in the Weekly  you will see a couple of those forceasted external funding opportunities in this report as well; and
    • Reminder from DCG on submitting amended Data Management plans for NIH approval.

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September 2023

    • Accolades for 2 Dornsife faculty;
    • Great external funding success report obtained by faculty;
    • 1 USC internal funding opportunity;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions, both of which are time-sensitive;
    • Announcement of upcoming CER workshop; and
    • A DCG NewsFlash on government shutdown contingencies.

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    • Honor for 1 faculty member;
    • New external funding success for 2 faculty members;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions, both of which have extremely close timelines.
    • A NewsFlash! from DCG on an upcoming webinar in October on the important topic on requirements for both domestic and foreign subwards. This webinar will have very important information for both PIs and department administrators.

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    • Accolade for 1 Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding success obtained by 3 faculty members;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions; and
    • An announcement of an upcoming CER workshop — the third of a trio of workshops on writing SBIR / STTR grants — this week’s focus is on specific aims.

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    • An honor for a Dornsife faculty member;
    • Report of 2 external funding successes;
    • A USC internal funding opportunity;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions;
    • Announcement of the 2nd of a 3-part series on SBIR / STTR applications presented by the Center for Excellence in Research; and
    • Announcement from DCG on YouTube videos on the NIH grant processes.

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August 2023

    •  Accolades for 3 faculty members;
    • External funding success for 3 Dornsife faculty;
    • Current and diverse funding opportunities; and
    • NEWSFLASH! (2) from DCG on (1) system-related timelines for NSF platforms; and (2) developing ideas as you think about applying for funding.

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    • 1 honor for College faculty member;
    • Another great external funding report — 6 Dornsife faculty;
    • Many and diverse and current funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions.

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    • An accolade for a distinguished Dornsife faculty member;
    • Terrific external funding success obtained by 6 College faculty;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 1 limited submission; and
    • As we begin the academic year, the Center for Excellence in Research offers a series of research-related workshops. We announce the first one here.

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    • External funding success achieved by 5 Dornsife faculty;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions.
    • Repost of our previous announcement of the Office of Research and Innovation’s Navigating Research and Scholarship at USC workshop.

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July 2023

    • Terrific external funding successes from 4 Dornsife faculty;
    • One USC internal funding opportunity;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions; and
    • Memo from USC Research and Innvovation on NEW NSF mandated requirements for the responsible conduct of research.

    Read the newsletter >

    • External funding success achieved by 4 College faculty;
    • A diverse and current crop of external funding opportunities, including 5 limited submissions;
    • An announcement of the upcoming scholarship and research opportunities presentation sponsored by the Office of Research and Innovation.

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    • Another terrific external funding success week achieved by 6 Dornsife faculty;
    • External current and diverse funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions; and
    • More  info on the DMPTool resources

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    • Terrific external funding success. Congrats to Mathematics for obtaining multiple (count them:4) awards!
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions. Note the Teagle Foundation opportunity which we reported the week of June 26th without limited info, now has that information and the internal due date is this Friday.
    • Information on NIH’s DMPTool that can assists researchers when creating data management plans. We will have more info next week on this innovation.

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June 2023

    • An accolade for one Dornsife investigator;
    • Great external funding success for 5 college faculty;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions
    • A couple of announcements from DCG on updated version of diSClose and an update of the clinical trials website.

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    • Accolade for 1 faculty member;
    • External funding success achieved by 3 Dornsife faculty members;
    • External funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions.
    • Department of Contracts & Grants information on the process and contacts for  various types of agreements that are not routed through Cayuse. Department administrators ought to be aware of these processes.

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    • Honors for 2 Dornsife faculty members — Congrats!;
    • Great external success for 2 faculty members;
    • A myriad of external funding opportunities, including 5 limited submissions; and
    • An update from NSF on science and infrastructure funding in Antarctica for the upcoming 2023-2024 year.

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    • Accolade(s) for 1 Dornsife faculty member!
    • Funding success for 2 Sociology faculty;
    • An internal funding opportunity directly from the Office of Research and Innovation;
    • Many current external funding opportunities including 2 limited submissions;
    • A one-pager from NIH’s Division of Human Subjects Research that provides  useful info for investigators who work with human subjects, courtesy Department of Contracts and Grants.

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May 2023

    • This week’s report includes a notable achievement for one Dornsife faculty member;
    • Great funding report data that includes funding success for 4 faculty members;
    •  One  USC internal funding opportunity;
    • Diverse and current external funding opportunities, including one limited submission;
    • Announcement of interest from DCG.

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    • One external funding success by a Dornsife investigator;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions from the American Diabetes Association; and
    • A repost of an upcoming workshop (tomorrow, Thursday May 25th) on the new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), of which a funding opportunity from this entity is also included in this week’s report.

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    • Recognition for 2 Dornsife faculty members;
    • External funding success achieved by 3 College faculty;
    • External funding opportunities including 3 limited submissions; and
    • Request for Information from DARPA
    • Communication from DCG on NIH updates

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    • External funding success by 3 Dornsife investigators;
    • External funding opportunities, including 1 limited submission; and
    • Announcement of the second Center for Excellence in Research workshop for the summer series.

    Read the newsletter >

    • Lauds for 3 Dornsife faculty members. Congratulations to all!
    • Terrific external funding success acheived by 4 faculty members;
    • Current external funding opportunities, including 2 limited submissions; and
    • An announcement of the Center for Excellence in Research’s first workshop for the summer featuring Dornsife’s Chief of Grant Strategy, Heidi Parker and her colleagues. The presenters will discuss the importance of Broader Impacts in NSF proposal submissions.

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April 2023

    • Kudos to 2 new recipients of the Simons Investigator in Aquatic Microbial Award!
    • Great external funding success for 5 Dornsife faculty;
    • Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions.

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    • Prestigious award for 1 USC Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding success for 3 Dornsife faculty;
    • Several external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions.
    • Brief DCG information on erroneously-initiated proposals in Cayuse.

    Read the newsletter >

    • Prestigious award for 1 Dornsife faculty member
    • External funding success for 3 Dornsife faculty
    • Several external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions
    • Brief DCG information on erroneously-initiated proposals in Cayuse

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    • High recognition for one USC Dornsife faculty member
    • External funding success for one College faculty member
    • Diverse and current funding opportunities, including three limited submissions
    • Announcement of the final Center for Excellence in Research workshop for the Spring 2023 semester.

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March 2023

    • Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    • External funding successes for two faculty members;
    • Current and diverse funding opportunities; and
    • An announcement of the Center for Excellence in Research workshop — this time on intellectual property and how to protect yours.

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    •  Long awaited report of funding successes for 6 Dornsife faculty
    • A generous harvest of current funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions each of which has a very close timeline; and
    • Information on an upcoming workshop on Proposing Large Scale Grants presented by James Murday, USC Office of Research Advancement in DC.

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    • High recognition for 2 Dornsife faculty members;
    • Many and diverse current external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions;
    • Announcements of 2 Center for Excellence in Research workshops, both taking place tomorrow; and
    • NewsFlash from the Department of Contracts and Grants with info on proposal routing in Cayuse SP.

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    • Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    • External award funding for two Dornsife faculty members — Congrats! (See our note on announcing external funding successes as reported by the Department of Contracts and Grants);
    • External funding opportunities, including three limited submissions.

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    • Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
    • Robust external funding report;
    • Internal funding opportunity announcement reported last week, now with additional info;
    • Current funding opportunities;
    • Announcement of upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop;
    • Information on (1) Cayuse (SP) which is operational as of today; and (2) negotiated F&A and FB rates.

    Read the newsletter >

Researchers or students conducting experiments

Contact USC Dornsife Research Administration

Allan Hancock Foundation Building (AHF 108)
3616 Trousdale Pkwy, AHF 108
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Open Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Email: research@dornsife.usc.edu