
The following are a selection of outside media coverage of USC Sea Grant, our programs, or our funded researchers, organized by topic.

Resilience Science

November 2020, Huntington-USC ICW

Video #2: https://vimeo.com/476684960

Video #3: https://vimeo.com/476777914

January 23, 2016, Long Beach Press-Telegram 

January 15, 2016, The Hollywood Reporter.

October 16, 2015, Heal the Bay Blog

Coastal Resilience and Adaptation

October 2022, Institute of Science and Policy at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

January 24, 2018, City of Santa Monica

February 8, 2018, CoastalResilience.org

April 20, 2018, NBC Los Angeles Newscast

August 5, 2016, The Hollywood Reporter

February 17, 2014, The Beach Reporter 

February 12, 2014, San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Coastal Management

Coastal Ecology and Biology

Education & Community

Summer at an island lab has undergraduates tackling questions about our oceans

September 03, 2021. USC NEWS

August 17, 2018. Offshore Insights Podcast

September 28, 2016. The Malibu Times. 


January 22, 2016. KPBS San Diego (radio + web story)

February 27, 2014. Al Jazeera America.

Maritime Affairs

Water Quality

November 7, 2021, The Orange County Register.

January 3, 2019; Univision

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USC Sea Grant

University of Southern California Sea Grant
3454 Trousdale Pkwy, CAS 200
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0153
(213) 740-1961

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