Sea level rise threatens the longest barrier system in California

All coasts are divided into sections called littoral cells, which contain a complete cycle of sediment/sand, including sources, transport paths, and sinks. The 32-mile shoreline of the Eureka littoral cell (ELC), which includes sand dunes, is the longest barrier system in California. The barriers protect not only three local estuarine systems but also neighboring communities and critical infrastructure. The resilience of the barrier system is at risk from the ongoing impacts of accelerated sea-level rise (SLR). University of Southern California (USC) Sea Grant funded a study to provide critical insights on where, how, and why various locations are exposed and vulnerable to ongoing and future impacts of SLR, coastal erosion, and flooding. In turn, the work is providing crucial tools for community partners, landowners, and managers for future resiliency planning efforts for the coastline. 

Key Results:

  • The project’s completed monitoring and assessment revealed that environmental vulnerability was above average, while the socioeconomic vulnerability was extremely high in some areas 
  • The project provided a publication in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Project Impacts & Application:

  • Presented at the Humboldt Dunes Cooperative Public Meeting and the Friends of the Dunes Annual Public Meeting of the Humboldt Coastal Dunes Cooperative 
  • Hosted a Coastal Dunes for Resilience Workshop
  • Final presentations of the results are being planned for various stakeholders in the region, including Tribes, public landowners/managers, Humboldt County, Manila Community Services District, and the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District. 
  • Results were shared with the Coastal Commission and in California Naturalist Courses
  • Results have informed several local dune restoration projects to date as viable “nature-based” resilience solutions 
  • Based on the current results, the team was awarded additional funding from the University of California Climate Action Fund Seed Grant Program to continue this work. 


Principal Investigators:

  • Ian Walker, Ph.D., Arizona State University
  • Andrea Pickart, United States Fish and Wildlife Service



California Ocean Protection Council, 2018-2021


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