Let’s Talk About Mussels!
USC undergraduate Kendall Howes recently interned for USC Sea Grant during the USC “Maymester” under the mentorship of USC Sea Grant Education Manager, Maria Madrigal. Kendall worked with Maria on a flyer for a series of sustainable seafood events planned for this fall to help communicate the best methods for mussel selection, preparation, and safety.
In addition to learning about sustainable seafood, Kendall says she learned how to communicate scientific information to a target audience in a clear and concise manner. Kendall particularly enjoyed spending time at the Village Market Place which is the home of the Sustainable Seafood Hub in South Central Los Angeles. USC Sea Grant joined the Southern California-based aquaculture producers Holdfast Aquaculture and Santa Barbara Mariculture, along with the community organization Community Services Unlimited, to develop “The South Central LA Sustainable Seafood Hub.” This Hub aims to provide equitable access to mussels and other seafood, that are incredibly nutritious and sustainable sources of protein.
“The experience gave me a more in-depth perspective of the community in which I hoped to serve and the people working towards bettering the world around them,” says Kendall. “I thoroughly enjoyed applying my passion for environmental awareness in a way that simultaneously works to better a group of people and protect local ecosystems.”
Kendall says that working with Sea Grant helped her learn more about my interests, career goals, and what kind of work she finds interesting. “I hope to direct my studies towards classes and areas that focus on environmental education and the dissemination of important information regarding our planet,” says Kendall. “I want to involve myself with organizations and people that are working towards positive societal and environmental change, just like Sea Grant.”
After her internship ended, Kendall headed out USC’s Wrigley Institute on Catalina Island for the summer to take a class on wind and energy sustainability. We are grateful for Kendall’s help and wish her the best as she continues her education!
Feature image credit: Nick Neumann/USC Wrigley Institute