USC Sea Grant on Catalina Island

ByUSC Sea Grant

USC Sea Grant was part of USC Wrigley Day earlier this month at the Wrigley Marine Science Center on Catalina Island. This special day, hosted by the USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability and USC Dornsife College of Arts and Sciences, provided families with insight into the importance of research and education related to environmental challenges and emerging solutions.

USC Sea Grant showcased a variety of our marine science and environmental programs and highlighted the extensive research, education, and outreach efforts undertaken to promote coastal and marine sustainability. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with interactive exhibits, learn about cutting-edge marine research, and understand the importance of preserving marine ecosystems.

“At our Sea Grant table, we had an interactive watershed model for Wrigley Day visitors,” said Sydney Rilum, one of USC Sea Grant’s Science, Research and Policy Specialists who specializes in marine debris. “The public could view and visualize how various land-based activities, combined with rainstorm events, can impact the health of our watersheds and how our projects work to improve water quality.” Sydney also brought along her father, a USC alum, to enjoy Wrigley’s facilities and learn about her work with USC Sea Grant and the ocean.

“We had a great time at Wrigley Day sharing what Sea Grant is and does with the guests,” said Dane Lazarus, one of USC Sea Grant’s Science, Research and Policy Specialists who specializes in coastal resilience. “The weather was perfect, and we were lucky to get to enjoy a bit of hiking and snorkeling while we were out there!”

Some USC Sea Grant scientists and educators gave presentations at the event. “The whole day emphasized our program’s commitment to fostering environmental stewardship and providing valuable resources for the community and stakeholders,” said Karla Heidelberg, USC Sea Grant’s Director. “This is what Sea Grant is all about. We had a great day.”

Wrigley Marine Science Center on Catalina Island off the coast of Los Angeles (Credit: K. Heidelberg)


USC Sea Grant Director, Karla Heidelberg, with Sea Grant staff, Sydney Rilum and Dane Lazarus


USC Sea Grant’s Sydney Rilum and Varshini Balaji, an NSF REU Student from UC Irvine working with Dr. Julia Schwartzman at USC


USC Sea Grant’s Sydney Rilum and her father, a USC alum


You can’t go out to Catalina and not get into the water! (Credit: K. Heidelberg)