
Online Resources

How to Run A Good Meeting

Chronicle of Higher Ed., Allison M. Vaillancourt (2023)

As the World Change, So Should Leaders

Harvard Business Review, Nitin Nohria (2022)

What Leadership Looks Like

NPR Radio episode on how to highlight your leadership skills (2022).

Mastering Your Mindset

Inside Higher Ed., Deepa Aravind (2023)

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review online articles


Principles of Leadership

Understanding Nonprofit Organizations: Governance, Leadership, and Management


Biographies and Memoirs

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2016)

Mahatma Gandhi

M. K. Gandhi (2020)

Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab (2019)

Steve Jobs

Walter Isaacson, (2011)

On Becoming A Leader

Warren Bennis (2009)


Online Resources
