The Marine Microbes Gordon Research Conference was held this year in the small town of Les Diablerets in the Swiss Alps from Sunday, June 9th to Friday, June 14th. Dr. Naomi Levine was the Co-chair this year, and will be the Chair for the 2026 GRC. Her leadership was crucial to a great conference and did MEB and USC proud. It was a beautiful setting with lots of available hiking and some other fun events, including a soccer (football) match. The conference had morning and evening talk sessions, with a poster session prior to the evening talks. We had 13 USC MEB participants, spanning graduate students to senior faculty, which comprised a little over 5% of the roughly 200 total participants. The conference is off the record, so we can only provide some pictures of our group, but suffice it to say that a lot of great science communication, networking, socializing, and planning for the future was accomplished!

The 2026 GRC Marine Microbes will be in Barcelona.