March 2012
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
The Center for American Progress (CAP) and PolicyLink in association with PERE, produced Toward 2050 in California: A Roundtable Report on Multiracial Collaboration in Los Angeles. The report highlights how Los Angeles has created new, model, on-the-ground multiracial collaborations to address the demographic change soon to sweep the nation – along with data on demographic change.
Toward 2050 in California is part of CAP’s Progress 2050 project – which is intended to initiate a national conversation to explore a new vision of what America can and should be in 2050. Together with PolicyLink, CAP hosted a convening in Los Angeles, the content of which is captured in this report.