Numbers and Narratives
ERI will work with our partners to develop theory, frameworks, and data analysis; advance new narratives and; convene communities of learning and practice. Over the next several years, ERI will focus on the following four priority areas:
Economic Inclusion and Climate Equity: Our work will support creating new coalitions around economic, social, and environmental justice by linking economic prosperity, environmental quality, and civic health with bridging of racial and other gaps.
Immigrant Inclusion and Racial Justice: Our work will challenge and nuance common narratives by applying a racial justice lens; by promoting the mutual interests of immigrant and native-born communities in the U.S.; and by supporting interethnic, intersectoral, and cross-movement collaborations in all of our research processes and products.
Social Movements and Governing Power: Our work will advance an understanding of, dialogue about, and funding towards building power among historically excluded communities by developing data-driven frameworks and tools for key learning and strategizing opportunities.
Collaborative Research and Field Building: Our work at ERI explores what it means to be a healthy, sustainable, and racially-just workplace and to popularize university-based, community-engaged, and collaborative research focused on equity.