March 26, 2014
by Jennifer Tran and Sarah Treuhaft
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
Minnesota’s Tomorrow: Equity is the Superior Growth Model is a joint report from PolicyLink and the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) which documents the costs of racial inequities and the work under way to address these disparities in the state.
The report addresses three key topics:
Minnesota’s demographic transformation, describing current and future demographic shifts;
-How racial and economic inclusion will help Minnesota grow and compete, explaining why equity matters for all Minnesotans;
-How to implement equitable growth in Minnesota through policy priorities that achieve shared prosperity;
-One key finding of the report is that Minnesota’s gross domestic product would have been $16.4 billion higher in 2011 if there had been no racial gaps in income.
Recent and projected demographic shifts in the state mean that people of color are growing as a share of the workforce and population, and in Minnesota racial gaps in income, poverty, employment, education, wealth and health are unusually high and persistent.
For example, the report states that in 1980, just 4 percent of Minnesotans were people of color. Today that figure is 17 percent, and by 2040 it is projected to be 29 percent.
Minnesota’s Tomorrow offers examples of work currently under way across the state to dismantle racial barriers and expand economic opportunities. It also presents an equitable growth policy agenda focused on growing good jobs, preparing workers for the jobs of tomorrow.
Addressing equity today builds Minnesota’s tomorrow, and the report reveals how this is happening now.