October 15, 2019
Prepared by: USC PERE (Program for Environmental and Regional Equity) in Collaboration with: Health and Justice for All Power-Building Landscape Working Group
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
The Health and Justice for All Power-Building Landscape Assessment (PLA) is a scan and data driven analysis of the organizational landscape in California that supports “historically-excluded adults and youth having power, agency, and voice in public and private decision making to create an inclusive democracy and close health equity gaps”—one of The California Endowment’s North Star Goals. The purpose of the PLA is to inform discussions—both within The California Endowment (TCE) and, importantly, between TCE and practitioners and peers in the field—and decision making about the evolution of TCE’s 10-year Building Healthy Communities Initiative beyond 2020.
The goals of this brief are to provide a framework for understanding what types of organizations comprise the power-building ecosystem in California; share key observations about local to statewide dynamics and capacities that drive policy, systems, and structural changes; and provoke new thinking and approaches to measuring power. The findings are drawn from an assessment of the power-building organizational landscape in California; review of literature on organizing, power building, and social movements; discussions within TCE and with external partners; interviews with leaders in the field, and previous research and interviews with organizers, strategists, organizers, and funders dating back to 2008.