Through the CSLC Doctoral Program, students pursue their degree in one of the three Tracks (for complete descriptions of the requirements in each of these Tracks, see the Catalogue of Courses):
Track I: Comparative Media and Culture
Track II: Comparative Literature
Track III: National Literatures and Cultures
Discover Your Track

Track I: Comparative Media and Culture
This track allows students to study varied media—visual, print, sound, digital—from a comparative perspective and to deepen their understanding of the specific cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts of different media works. With advanced competence in at least one language other than English and in addition to CSLC courses, Track I students are able to take graduate courses in the foreign language departments (East Asian, French, Italian, Spanish, and so forth) as well as other appropriate departments such as Critical Studies in the School of Cinematic Arts.

Track II: Comparative Literature
The core of Track II is preparation for advanced research in several literary traditions in their original languages. Students in this track develop their knowledge of literature across linguistic boundaries by taking graduate courses as needed in the foreign language departments (East Asian, French, Italian, Spanish, and so forth) as well as in Comparative Literature, English, Classics, American Studies, or other relevant disciplines. The study of literature’s historical development within specific cultural or ideological contexts is combined with broad consideration of literary, political, and aesthetic theory.

Track III: National Literatures and Cultures: French and Francophone Studies
The French and Francophone Studies track highlights the transnational and comparative dimensions of the field while preserving an emphasis on rigorous training and in-depth research in French. Students in this track achieve a broad knowledge of major French and Francophone literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present, even as they work alongside students and faculty from affiliated CLSC tracks to study important developments in literary criticism, culture as an instrument of social formation, and relations among different media. Students are encouraged to devise an individualized program of specialization and to take advantage of opportunities for original interdisciplinary research.
For more information, please visit the French and Italian graduate website here

Track III: National Literatures and Cultures: Spanish and Latin American Studies
For students interested in advanced studies and research in Spanish and Latin American literature and culture studies, the course of study is designed to develop a broad knowledge of the subject matter within the framework of comparative and transatlantic studies as well as other developments in the field. Students are encouraged to devise individualized programs of specialization.
For more information, please visit the Spanish and Latin American graduate website here