USC Classics Department Public Humanities Award
The Department sponsors an annual competition for classics-related public-facing projects. We invite promising proposals for projects that extend the audience for classics-related topics and issues to non-academic audiences. Examples might include the design of an in-person unit or set of hands-on workshops to be coordinated with teachers in local area middle- or high-schools; a website or virtual exhibit; a series of video-taped interviews or podcasts, etc.
Eligibility: all graduate students currently enrolled in the USC Classics graduate program
Instructions on applying are communicated by the Department of Classics every Spring semester.
PAST RECIPIENTS: Claire Mieher (2022, Classics) and AnnMarie Patterson (2022, Classics): ‘Classical Languages for Dyslexia’
Angela Hurley (2021): ‘Adaptation of Sophocles’ Ajax’

University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Each year the Provost’s Office and USC’s Center for Excellence in Teaching confer up to 3 awards of $1,000 to be presented at the Academic Honors Convocation. Departmental nomination required.
PAST RECIPIENTS FROM THE CLASSICS DEPARTMENT: Joshua Allbright (2022). Madeline Thayer (2021).

Kallins Hellenic Studies Summer Fellowship
Each year one fellowship of up to $5000 is awarded for academic study in Greece. Possible uses include study at an accredited university-level program in Greece; participation on an archaeological excavation; travel in Greece for independent research.
Eligibility: all graduate students currently enrolled in the USC Classics graduate program
Instructions on applying are communicated by the department of Classics every Spring semester.
Classics Department graduate summer funding
Each year the Department of Classics invites graduate students to submit summer research proposals.
USC Graduate School Summer Research and Writing Grants
For students who have completed at least 2 years of PhD coursework (application annually announced by the USC Graduate School)
General Education Graduate Assistant Award
Each year the General Education Committee confers General Education Graduate Assistant Awards to several graduate assistants. Up to six recipients may be selected, each of whom will receive an award of $1000. Departmental nomination required.
PAST RECIPIENTS FROM THE CLASSICS DEPARTMENT: Faith McFadden (2023). Anastasiia Starovoitova (2022). Deirdre Klokow (2021).
Borchard Foundation Graduate Student Travel Fellowship
Departmental nomination required; application annually announced by the USC Graduate School.
Additional Department Funding
Graduate conference travel and summer funding is offered each year the Department of Classics by inviting graduate students to submit summer research proposals.