Madeline Thayer

Ph.D USC 2022

Postdoctoral Scholar – Teaching Fellow, USC, 2022-

Emily Brown

Ph.D. USC 2021

Postdoctoral Scholar – Teaching Fellow, USC, 2021-2022

Schuch Friends of Classics Postdoctoral Research Fellow, San Diego State University, 2022-

Hannah Mason

Ph.D. USC 2020

Postdoctoral Scholar – Teaching Fellow, USC, 2021
Hannah is currently a Postdoctoral Scholar – Teaching Fellow in the Classics department at USC, teaching Greek III and an undergraduate seminar on Ancient Satire and its Modern Reception.  Her research program focuses on publishing work developed during graduate school, including a paper on Martial’s use of an epigraphic style in the Xenia and Apophoreta, and her dissertation, examining the relationship between Lucretius’ de Rerum Natura and its cultural and political environment.

Jennifer Devereaux

B.A. UC Davis 2010, M.A. USC 2014, Ph.D. USC 2019

Visiting Scholar at NYU, 2019-2020
Lecturer in Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies at Bryn Mawr College, 2020-2021
Researcher, Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, 2021-2022
Harvard University, Classics, Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-
Harvard University, Human Evolutionary Biology, Post-Doc, 2022-

Jennifer Devereaux is a Mind, Brain, and Behavior Fellow in Human Evolutionary Biology and Classics at Harvard University, where she is a member of the Culture, Cognition, and Coevolution Lab. A cultural historian and classical philologist by training, she researches emotion and specializes in cognitive theory, the ethical use of AI, and the meaning of friendship. She is a lecturer in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, where she teaches The Evolution of Friendship.

Christian Lehmann

B.A. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Bard College, M.A. Comparative Literature, USC
Ph.D. Classics. USC 2018
Faculty in Literature, Bard High School Early College, 2018.

Christian Lehmann finished his PhD, The End of Augustan Literature: Ovid’s Epistulae ex Ponto 4, under the supervision of A. J. Boyle. He accepted a job offer at Bard Early College in Cleveland, OH. He has published book reviews for BMCR, although his main research interests have turned to Charles Dickens, including his most recent publication, “Reading Dickens’s Running Headers”

Paul Salay

Ph.D. Classics. USC 2018

Instructor, Department of Classics, Colorado College, 2019-2020
Visiing Lecturer, Deparment of Sociology, Coe College, 2019-2020
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Classics, Butler University, 2020
KUMDAR-ANAMED Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Koç University, Istanbul, 2021-2022.

Matthew Chaldekas

B.A. Michigan State 2007, M.A. Tulane 2009, Ph.D. USC 2017
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California-Riverside, 2018-2019
Postdoctoral Researcher, SFB 1391: “Andere Âsthetik”, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 2019-

After finishing his PhD in 2017, Matthew Chaldekas held a position as Visiting Assistant Professor at UC-Riverside, where he taught both Latin and Greek as well as content courses on ancient race and ethnicity, ancient magic, mythology, and cinematic receptions of antiquity. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher and member of SFB/ CRC 1391: “Andere Ästhetik/ Different Aesthetics” at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, where he is developing a monograph on ecphrastic epigram under the supervision of Irmgard Männlein-Robert. He continues to present his research internationally and has published articles on various topics in Hellenistic poetry.

Hannah Culik-Baird

B.A. Oxford University 2011, M.A. USC 2014, Ph.D. USC 2017

Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, Boston University 2017- 2022

Associate Proffessor, Department of Classics, University of California Los Angeles, 2022-

Afroditi Angelopoulou

B.A. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, M.A.  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ph.D. USC 2017


Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Dartmouth College, 2017-2019
Assistant Professor of Classics, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2019-

After completing her PhD at USC in 2017, Afroditi Angelopoulou took a job as a visiting lecturer at Dartmouth College. In 2019, she returned to USC, where she is now an Assistant Professor of Classics. Her primary research interests are in in Greek Drama, as well as in Homeric epic, lyric, Hellenistic literature, and in Platonic ethics and aesthetics. Her published and forthcoming work currently includes two book chapters and three journal articles, while her first book, which is entitled The Body and the Senses in Greek Tragedy and will be submitted to Oxford University Press, evaluates the role of embodied experience in the construction of dramatic narratives and in the generation and communication of emotional meaning. During the Fall of 2021, she will take up residence as a Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, to complete her monograph.

Robert Matera

B.A. Carleton College, Ph.D. USC 2017
Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Beloit College, 2017-2018
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2018-2020
Affiliate, Department of Classics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2020-2021
Latin Instructor, Emma Willard School, 2021-

Rob Matera completed his PhD and a Graduate Certificate in Gender Studies in 2017 with a dissertation on bodies, texts, and authorship in Propertius’ Elegies.  He most recently published “Two Case Studies on Desire and Deniability in Queer History” in Arethusa, and he is currently working on authorship and tropes, such as the sphragis and the exclusus amator, in Propertius.  Rob is also interested in teaching methods and the philosophy of education.  He is currently reading about and experimenting with project-based learning.  He teaches Latin and Ancient Greek at Emma Willard School.

Tom Sapsford

.A. University of Bristol, Ph.D. USC 2017
Early Career Associate, The Archive of performances of Greek and Roman Drama, The University of Oxford, 2016
Lecturer in Classics, University of Southern California, 2017-2019
2019 Resident fellow at the NYU Center for Ballet and the Arts
Visiting Assistant Professor, Bates College, 2019-2021
Assistant Professor of Roman cultures and languages, Boston College, August 2021.

Tom Sapsford received his Ph.D. from USC in 2017 with a dissertation entitled The Life of the Kinaidoi, supervised by Tom Habinek. He has subsequently taught at USC, the University of Reading (UK), and Bates College before joining Boston College as Assistant Professor of Roman Cultures and Languages in 2021. Tom was a 2019 Fellow at The Center for Ballet and the Arts at NYU and is also an Early Career Associate at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama at the University of Oxford. His publications include ‘The Wages of Effeminacy? Kinaidoi in Greek Documentary Sources from Egypt’ (EuGeStA) and ‘Epic Poetry into Contemporary Choreography: Two Twenty-First-Century Dance Adaptations of the Odyssey‘ in Epic Performances, from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-First Century. His monograph Performing the ‘Kinaidos’: Unmanly Men in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures is due for publication by Oxford University Press in early 2022.

Scott Lepisto

B.A., University of Michigan, Ph.D. USC 2016

Visiting Assistant Professor, Hillsdale College, 2017-2018

Visiting Assistant Professor, Wooster College, 2018-2019

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Grand Valley State University, 2019-2020

After finishing his dissertation on Seneca’s philosophical work, Scott Lepisto took a series of visiting professorships before becoming a communications advisor in the Michigan House of Representatives.

Devon Harlow

B.A. Barnard College, Ph.D. USC 2016
Lecturer, The Writing Program, University of Southern California, 2018-2020
Postdoctoral Scholar – Teaching Fellow, USC, 2020

Dina Boero

B.A. University of California, San Diego, USC Ph.D. 2015
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, supported by the Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, 2016-2017.
Assistant to Associate Professor of History, The College of New Jersey, The College of New Jersey, 2017-

Dina Boero received a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Southern California in 2015. Her dissertation, supervised by Kevin van Bladel (now at Yale University), traced the history of Symeon the Stylite’s cult between the fifth and seventh centuries. Her work highlights saints and the institutions that supported them (churches, pilgrimage complexes, monasteries) as sites for negotiating competing meanings and practices. Since graduating from the University of Southern California, Prof. Boero held a postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton University (2016-2017) and she is currently an assistant professor in the History Department at The College of New Jersey (2017-current). TCNJ is a public liberal arts college known for its emphasis on teaching, collaborative projects between faculty and students, and community engaged learning, while the mid-Atlantic region has a thriving network of late antiquity and Syriac scholars. At TCNJ, she is currently working to transform her dissertation into a monograph and her research has been accepted for publication in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Studies in Late Antiquity, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, the Journal of Late Antiquity, and several edited volumes. In addition, she leads an oral history project in partnership with Catholic University of America in which her students conduct interviews with Middle Eastern Christians who came to New Jersey in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. She also led a project in which students supported the digitization of the Howard Crosby Butler Archive at Princeton University. This archive houses photos and notes of Butler’s expeditions to Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon between 1899 and 1909. Overall, she is grateful to be part of a set of intellectual communities that support creative research and teaching. If you have any questions about any part of her academic path, please feel free to contact her.

Joseph O’Neill

Lecturer (Classics) at Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University, 2015–2018
Senior Lecturer (Classics) at Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University, 2019–
Founding Director of the Theatre of Difference Project.

Hamish Cameron

B.A. University of Canterbury 2002, M.A. University of Canterbury 2006, Ph.D. USC 2014
Lecturer, Department of History, USC, 2014-2015
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Classics and Archaeology, Loyola Marymount University, 2014-2015
Research Assistant, Getty Scholars Program, 2014-2015
Visiting Assistant Professor of Ancient History, University of Cincinnati, 2015-2016
Lecturer, Classical and Medieval Studies Program, Bates College, 2016-2019
Lecturer in Classics, Victoria University of Wellington, 2019-

Hamish began his study of the ancient world in New Zealand, continued it in Los Angeles with a PhD at USC, road-tripped with it to Maine via the Midwest, and has now returned with it to New Zealand where he teaches Classics at Te Herenga Waka, the Victoria University of Wellington. His PhD examined the representation of “Mesopotamia” as a borderland in Imperial Roman geographic writing of the first four centuries CE. This work is published as a monograph: Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland</i> (Brill 2019). As well as geography, space, borderlands, imperialism, he also studies the reception of the ancient world in video and tabletop games. He misses the excellent donut culture of Los Angeles.

Nicole Giannella

B.A. Vassar College 2006, Ph.D. USC 2014
Mellon Diversity Postdoctoral Associate, Classics Department, Cornell University, 2014-2017
Assistant Professor, University of Utah, 2017-2018
Assistant Professor, Classics Department, Cornell University, 2018-

Nicole Giannella started her PhD at USC in 2007 after a postbaccalaureate at University of Pennsylvania and undergrad at Vassar College. In 2013 she moved to Cornell for a pre/postdoctoral fellowship. This three-year post included a final year of dissertation writing followed by two years of postdoc work. Her two years of postdoc work turned into three, and following that third year, she was hired as an assistant professor in the department of History at the University of Utah in 2017. In 2018, she moved back to the Department of Classics at Cornell as an assistant professor.

Orazio Capello

Ph.D. USC 2014
King’s College Cambridge

Birkbeck College

Investment company in London

Jason Harris

B.A. Pennsylvania State University 2003, M.St. University of Oxford 2004, Ph.D. USC 2013
Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 2014-2016
Joint Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard) and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, 2016-2017
Fellow in Ancient History at the Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University), 2017-2018
Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University, 2018-

Thomas Cirillo

B.A. Kenyon College 2006, Ph.D. USC 2012
Mellon-ACLS Dissertation Fellow
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2013-2015
Instructor, Foreign Languages Department, Montgomery-Bell Academy, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015-


I graduated from USC in 2012 with a PhD after writing a dissertation titled “Categorizing Difference: Classification, Biology, and Politics in Aristotelian Philosophy.” After graduating I taught at USC as a lecturer for three years. At USC I taught a number of classes ranging from Beginning Latin to General Education courses on Greek and Roman drama. In the fall of 2015 I began teaching at Montgomery Bell Academy, an all-boys school in Nashville, Tennessee with grades 7 through 12. In fact, my coming to teach at Montgomery Bell has a USC connection: Ric Rader, who formerly taught at USC, and his wife, Chiara Sulprizio, a USC grad, moved to Nashville in 2014 when Ric took a position teaching Latin and German at the school; they contacted me when there was another Latin opening the following year.


At Montgomery Bell Latin is a required course for 8th and 9th graders. I regularly teach several sections of both 8th grade Latin and our Latin III Honors course in which students read original selections from Cicero, Catullus, and Ovid. In addition to teaching these courses, I also am an assistant coach for varsity cross country/track & field and help out with our Community Service Club. MBA has many travel opportunities, both domestic and international, for students and I have the good fortune to take part in trips to the Grand Canyon, Rome, and Lithuania, among others.  The biggest difference between being in the university environment and the high school one is that my concerns are much more day-to-day than long-term, i.e., giving feedback on daily homework and putting together a workout for cross country rather than gathering sources and doing research for a presentation or paper. I’ve enjoyed teaching in the secondary school setting – I’m glad to still be in the field of Classics and getting younger students interested in the ancient world and I enjoy being part of the various athletic teams and other extracurricular programs.

Matthew Taylor

B.A. Cambridge 2002, Ph.D. USC 2012
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Classics and Writing, Beloit College, 2012-

Joanna (Jody) Valentine

B.A. The Evergreen State College 1998, B.A. University of Washington 2003, Ph.D. USC 2011
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2012-2014
Lecturer in Classics and Gender Studies, Pomona College, from 2014-

After graduating, Dr. Jody Valentine served as a lecturer at Scripps College and USC from 2012 until 2014. Beginning in 2014, she took a series of visiting assistant professorships at the Claremont Colleges (Pomona, Scripps, and Pitzer). She is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics at Pomona College, where she teaches liberatory courses on topics including Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, Philosophy of Education — Ancient and Modern, and Classical Mythology.  Her research centers materiality in Archaic Greek Poetry, the reception of Sappho in contemporary queer culture, and the transformative potential of radical pedagogy.  She is interested in the afterlife of antiquity today and how study of the past enriches our understanding of the present.  She is currently working on an essay titled “What is a Classic?” that critically examines racism in the field of classics.  In April of 2021, Dr. Valentine was recognized by the Queer Resource Center of the Claremont Colleges for continued support of and commitment to the queer community as a faculty leader and mentor.

Richard Ellis

B.A. King’s College, Cambridge University 2001, Ph.D. USC 2011
Visiting Lecturer, UCLA 2014-present


Dr. Ellis completed his undergraduate degree in Cambridge, England in 2001 and his doctorate at the University of Southern California in 2011. He began lecturing in the UCLA department of Classics in the winter quarter of 2014. Since then he has taught a variety of courses on Ancient Greek Philosophy, Greek Culture and Mythology, Ancient Tragedy, and Ancient Athletics, as well as a wide range of Latin and Greek elementary and upper division reading classes covering authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Lysias, Aeschylus, Plato and Seneca. His most recent publications include articles for Ramus (‘Beyond Human Time: Duration and Virtuality in Heraclitus,’ 2020) and Classical Antiquity (‘Touched by the Past: Trauma, Testament and Post-Memory in Aeschylus’ Suppliants,’ 2021) as well as a chapter in a recent volume on Heraclitus (‘Ludic Philosophy and Heraclitus’ Playing Children’ in Héraclite: le temps est un enfant qui joue, Liège 2020).

Lisl Walsh

B.A. Oberlin College 2003, Ph.D. USC 2011
Assistant Professor of Classics, Beloit College, 2011-2018
Associate Professor of Classics, Beloit College, 2018-

Lucas Herchenroeder

B.A. Loyola University Maryland 1997, M.A. University of Maryland, College Park 2003, Ph.D. USC 2010
Dornsife Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, 2010-2012
Junior Research Fellow, Durham University, 2012-14
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2014-2017
Assistant to Associate Professor (Teaching) of Classics, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2017-

Eleanor Rust

B.A. Indiana University, 1999, Ph.D. USC 2009
Pre-Doctoral Fellow, American Academy in Rome
Lecturer, University of Southern California, 2009-2010
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, 2010

Sarah Blake

B.A. University of Toronto, Ph.D. USC 2008

Visiting Instructor, Wellesley College, 2007-2008

Associate Professor, York University, 2008-

Phillip Sidney Horky

B.A. University of Michigan 2000, A.M. University of Chicago 2002,  Ph.D. USC 2007
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, Introduction to the Humanities Program
Stanford University 2007-2010
Fellow at Center for Hellenic Studies, 2010-2011
Lecturer, Durham University, 2011-2017
Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Durham University, 2017-2022
Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Durham University,

Chiara Sulprizio

B.A. University of Washington 1999, Ph.D. USC 2007
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2007-2008
Lecturer, Hamilton College, 2008-2009
Research Scholar, UCLA, 2009-2010
Lecturer, Loyola-Marymount University, 2010-2014
Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University, 2016-

E. Del Chrol

B.A. Rutgers University 1996, M.A. University of Maryland 1997, Ph.D. USC 2006

West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers’ Association Teacher of the Year (College level), 2014

Assistant to full Professor, Chair of Humanities, Marshall University, 2006-
Reynolds Teaching Award for Senior Faculty, 2021

Society of Classical Studies Award for Collegiate Teaching, Fall 2017

Catherine (Feeley) Tracy

Ph.D. USC 2006
Assistant to Full Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Bishop’s University, 2006-

Daniella Widdows

B.A., Oberlin College; M.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., USC 2006
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Loyola College in Maryland, 2006-2007
Assistant Professor, Hampden-Sydney College, 2007-

Karen Dang

Senior Lecturer, Department of Greek and Latin, Ohio State University

Siobhan McElduff

Ph.D. USC 2003
Teacher, Harvard-Westlake School;  and Lecturer, UCLA Extension
Assistant to Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, 2007-

Mark Masterson

B.A. Stanford University 1982, M.A.T. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1987, Ph.D. USC 2001
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, 2001-02
Visiting Assistant Professor, Hamilton College, 2002-05
Associate Professor of Classics, Te Herenga Waka/Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), 2005-

Peter O’Neill

B.A., M.Phil. (ancient history), Jesus College, Oxford, 1993, 1995, Ph.D. USC 2001
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 2001-2003
Postdoctoral Fellow, American Academy in Rome, 2002
Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Exeter, 2003-2009
Senior Writing Consultant, Metropolitan University, London, 2009-2012
Research Coordinator, King’s College, London, 2012-

Alex Watts-Tobin

B.A. Durham University 1991; Ph.D. USC 2000
Visiting Assistant Professor, Temple University, 2000-2004
Teaching Fellow, Introduction to Humanities Department, Stanford University, 2004 – 2007
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer/Archaeologist, Karuk Tribe, Department of Natural Resources, Orleans, CA, 2015-

Trevor Fear

B.A. (hons.) Bristol University 1987; M.Litt. Durham University 1991; Ph.D. USC 1999
Visiting Instructor, SUNY Buffalo, 1997-98
Visiting Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1998-99
Visiting Assistant Professor, UCLA, 1999-2002
Lecturer, Open University, 2003-

Rosa Cornford Parent

B.A., M.A. (Hons.) University of Auckland, 1989, Ph.D. USC 1999
Research staff, TLG Project, UC Irvine, 1999-2000

Diane Pintabone

B.A. Boston College 1987, M.A. University of Colorado 1990, Ph.D. USC 1998
Lecturer, California State University at Long Beach, 1998-2000
Lecturer, Scripps College, 1999
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, 2000-2001

Sandy Blakely

B.A. Brigham Young University 1982, Ph.D. USC

Sandy Blakely completed her PhD in Classics and Anthropology at USC in 1998, and is currently Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Classics at Emory University (on leave AY 2022-23). Her research interests include religion and magic of the Greek and Roman worlds; anthropological and comparative approaches to the ancient Mediterranean; archaeological theory; digital approaches to antiquity, including ArcGIS, Social Network Analysis, and gaming; historiography; and archaeometallurgy. Recent publications include  “Strong ties and deep habits: the Samothracian diaspora in network perspective”, in A. Collar, (ed.), Strong Ties. Networks and the Spread of New Ideas in the Past. Routledge, New York (2022); “Metallurgy”, in S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth, E. Eidinow (ed.s), The Oxford Classical Dictionary,  Oxford University Press:  Oxford  (2022); “A cosmological turn in an architectural setting: Roman approaches to Samothrace into the second century CE,” in N. Belayche, F. Massa, P. Hoffmann (ed.s),  Les «Mystères au IIe siècle de notre ére: Un ‘Mysteric Turn?’ Brepols, Paris: 55-102 (2021);  “Tangled myths and moral networks: Pacific comparanda and the Samothracian Sea”, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 8. 3-4 (2020): 314-328: “Social Mobility: Mithraism and Cosmography in the 2nd-5th centuries CE”, Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, 31(17) (2020): 11-41; and  “Playing the Argonauts: Pedagogical Pathways through Creation and Engagement in a Virtual Sea”, in S. Heath and W. Caraher (ed.s), Digital Approaches to Teaching the  Ancient Mediterranean. The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks: 97-126 (2020).

Therese A. de Vet

B.A. USC 1981, M.A. USC 1983, Ph.D. USC 1997

Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, 1998

Jessica Dietrich

B.A. Swarthmore 1990, Ph.D. USC 1997
Visiting Assistant Professor, Hamilton College, 1996-98
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, 1998-2002
Lecturer, University of Tasmania, 2002-2009
Lecturer, Australian National University, 2009-2012

Joseph Smith

B.A. University of Rochester 1983, M.A. University of California at Berkeley 1986, Ph.D. USC 1997
Visiting Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, 1997-1999
Associate Professor, San Diego State University, 1999-

David Fredrick

B.A. University of Kansas 1982, M.A. University of Kansas 1984, Ph.D. USC 1992
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Kansas, 1990-91
Associate Professor, University of Arkansas, 1991

Patricia Johnson

B.A. Cornell University 1977, M.A. Cornell University 1979, Ph.D. USC 1990
Assistant Professor, College of the Holy Cross, 1990-96
Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Boston University, 1996

Marie Marianetti

B.A. California State University 1981, M.A. California State University 1982, Ph.D. USC 1990
Visiting Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary , 1990-93
Associate Professor, CUNY Lehman, 1993-

Kristina Meinking

B.A. Skidmore College 2002, Ph.D. USC 2010
Visiting Lecturer, Scriptts College, 2009
Associate Professor, Elon University, 2017-present

Philip Purchase

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities, Washington University, St. Louis, 2006-present