
I’m a 3rd yr. Ph.D. student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and I work with Prof. Christoph Haselwandter to understand the theoretical underpinnings of complex biological systems through the lens of physics.

Prior to this, I completed my Bachelor of Science in Physics (Hons.) from the University of Calcutta in 2017 and my Master of Science in Physics from IIT Kanpur in 2022, where I worked with Prof. Sagar Chakraborty to investigate social dilemmas in the framework of Evolutionary Game Theory, using tools from dynamical systems theory. 

Currently, I’m investigating the physics of mechanosensation in vertebrates by studying  the self-assembly of LINC complexes in the inner nuclear membrane by developing a robust phenomenological model through the Stochastic Lattice Model, and by using membrane elasticity theory to model the shape deformations of cell membranes to study the mechanical gating of Piezo ion channels.


  • NBE Univ Calcutta, 3/2021
  • BEQUI Indian Inst. of Tech.-Kanpur
  • MS Indian Inst. of Tech.-Kanpur
  • BS Univ Calcutta
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    I’m currently interested in studying the structure and the role of LINC complexes in maintaining structural integrity of the nucleus against mechanical stress. I’m working with Prof. Haselwandter to build a theoretical framework which can robustly account for the behavior of LINC complexes that have been experimentally observed by our collaborators.

    Research Keywords

    Mechanosensation, Self-assembly, Pattern Formation, kinetic Monte Carlo, Membrane Shape Deformation, Stochastic processes

  • Journal Article

    • Dornsife Ph.D. Academy Scholarship and Research Fund,