Apart from the Math Center, Matlab is available on the machines in the ITS computer labs. USC faculty and students may now also download Mathematica onto their own machines from USC’s Information Technology Services (ITS).

The following is a list of resources available to help you navigate the software.

 Math Department at USC

Introduction to Scientific Programming with Matlab
by C. Haskell
Six one-hour lessons in Matlab; enough to get you up and running!

USC’s Information Technology Services (ITS)

ITS has two documents to help you navigate Matlab; basic Matlab help and advanced Matlab help.

Mathworks Inc

Mathworks Inc is the company that produces Matlab and Simulink. It has extensive resources on its website.

Mathworks Home Page
Mathworks Help Desk


Introduction to Matlab
This is a Matlab tutorial put together by the staff at Scientific Computing and Visualization of Boston University.

Matlab summary and tutorial from the University of Florida at Gainesville.
This is a summary of Matlab and a tutorial. At the end of the tutorial is a quick reference guide to Matlab commands, functions, and relations.

Matlab tutorial
by Edward Kamen and Bonnie Heck at Georgia Tech University.
This is a supplement to the textbook Fundamentals of Signals and Sytems Using Matlab by the same authors.  It has a basic introduction to Matlab but its focus after that is on Matlab as it is used in signal processing.

Control Tutorials for Matlab and Simulink
by Bill Messner at Carnegie Mellon University and Dawn Tillbury at the University of Michigan.
This is a collection of tutorials.  It includes a basic introduction to Matlab and Simulink but after that the focus is on Matlab as it is used in the analysis and design of automatic control systems.