Official Catalogue Listing

Please click below to view the History and Culture of Business Minor requirements in the official University Southern California Catalogue.

The minor in the history and culture of business is available to all students in all schools and departments. It is designed to cultivate an understanding of business as it is embedded in changing cultural, social and political environments in the United States and around the globe. Completion of the minor requires 20 units; 4 units at the lower division and 16 units at the upper division. At least 8 units must be from the Department of History course offerings. Interested students should meet with the undergraduate adviser for the Department of History.

Lower-Division Requirements

Choose ONE course (4 units)*

  • ECON 203g Principles of Microeconomics Units: 4
  • ECON 205g Principles of Macroeconomics Units: 4
  • HIST 215g Business and Labor in America Units: 4
  • HIST 266gp Business and East Asian Culture, 1800-Present Units: 4


*ECON 351 or ECON 352 may be substituted for the lower-division requirement.

Upper-Division Requirements

Choose FOUR courses (16 units), at least one from each of the groups below.

Corporate Culture

  • ECON 330 The Political Economy of Institutions Units: 4
  • ECON 348g Current Problems of the American Economy Units: 4
  • ENST 387 Economics for Natural Resources and the Environment Units: 4
  • FBE 431 Financial Policies and Corporate Governance Units: 4
  • HIST 348 The Dynamics of American Capitalism Units: 4
  • HIST 442 The Ethics of Financial and Political Accountability Units: 4
  • IR 324 Multinational Enterprises and World Politics Units: 4
  • IR 329 The Global Finance and Monetary Regime Units: 4
  • IR 369 Post-War European Relations Units: 4
  • MOR 385gm Business, Government and Society Units: 4
  • MOR 421 Social and Ethical Issues in Business Units: 4
  • MOR 466 Business and Environmental Sustainability Units: 4

Consumer Culture

  • COMM 363 Media Consumption Units: 4
  • COMM 433 Home Entertainment: From Networks to Streaming Units: 4
  • HIST 380 American Popular Culture Units: 4
  • MKT 450 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Units: 4
  • MOR 472 Power, Politics and Influence Units: 4
  • PSYC 456 Conservation Psychology Units: 4

Global and Regional Culture

  • BUCO 333mw Communication in the Working World – Managing Diversity Units: 4
  • BUCO 460 International Business Communication Units: 4
  • ECON 340 Economics of Less Developed Countries Units: 4
  • ECON 342 Economic Development of the Middle East Units: 4
  • ECON 343 Economic Development of East Asia Units: 4
  • ECON 344 Economic Development of Sub-Saharan Africa Units: 4
  • ECON 346 Economics of Transition and Development: China Units: 4
  • ECON 350 The World Economy Units: 4
  • HIST 424 Family, Work, and Leisure in Russian History Units: 4
  • IR 325 North-South Relations in the Global Economy Units: 4
  • IR 331 The Global Economy 2040 Units: 4
  • IR 333 China in International Affairs Units: 4
  • IR 360 International Relations of the Pacific Rim Units: 4
  • IR 363 Middle East Political Economy Units: 4
  • IR 364 The Political Economy of Latin American Development Units: 4
  • IR 367 Africa in International Affairs Units: 4
  • IR 426 Trade Politics in the Western Hemisphere Units: 4
  • IR 439 Political Economy of Russia and Eurasia Units: 4
  • MOR 468 Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Communication and Strategy Units: 4