


BA: The University of Hong Kong (Evergreen Scholarship, full tuition covered)

   Advisor: Prof. Hui Chunhing and Prof. Yoshiko Nakano 

MA:  Regional East Asia at Harvard University (Harvard Yenching Fellowship, full tuition covered and two-year stipends)

  Advisor: Prof. Peter Bol

PhD: The University of Southern California (ongoing)

   Advisor: Prof. Joan Piggott (Japanese side)

                Prof. Joshua Goldstein (Chinese side)


Selected Publications:

“A Grand Strategy or a Military Operation? Reconsideration of the Lingzhou Campaign of 1081,” in Journal of Song Yuan Studies, 371-385, 2017.

” Before the Storm: A Transrealm History of the Decades Leading Up to the First Mongol Invasion of Japan” in Monumenta Nipponica, 157-187, 2023 (no.2). 

Language Skills

Chinese Mandarin (native); English (fluent); Japanese (fluent); Cantonese (fluent); Korean (high intermediate); Sino-Mongolian (reading proficiency) 


  • MA Harvard University
  • BA University Of Hong Kong
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Lina Nie is a Ph.D. candidate from the History Department of USC. After graduating from Hong Kong University with double majors in Chinese history and Japanese studies with first honor, she earned her MA degree in Regional Studies East Asia program at Harvard University, with the support of Harvard Yenching fellowship.

    Now at USC, her research interest focuses on maritime, diplomatic, military, and cultural exchanges among China, Korea, and Japan. She is also interested in global history and comparative history in a broader geographical context that goes beyond East Asia.Her Japanese article discussing the traditions of Japanese culture won the second runner-up in the annual essay contest held by consulate general in New England 2017.

    She is a student board member of Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasty Studies, and a co-founder of Chinese History Podcast, aiming to promote and introduce the diverse cultures to a wider audience.

  • Essay

    • Nie, L. (2023). Before the Storm: A Transrealm History of the Decades Leading Up to the First Mongol Invasion of Japan. pp. 157-187.Monumenta Nipponica, 2023.
    • Huntington Library Research Fellowship Recipient, ,