First page of report featuring a panoramic photo of diverse youth participating in programming initiatives of the Mid-City Community Advocacy Network at the top of the page. Bottom of the page features a data chart visualizing the racial composition of youth participants in Mid-City CAN.

April 2018

From 2008 to 2019, the USC Equity Research Institute (ERI) published reports under our previous name, the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE). 


By Veronica Terriquez PhD,  Leslie Renteria, and Uriel Serrano

This report describes youth programming offered by Mid-City Community Advocacy Network (Mid-City CAN), a community collaborative located in the City Heights community in San Diego, California. Founded in 1989, Mid-City CAN’s mission is to create productive, safe, and healthy communities through collaborations, organizing, and advocacy. In order to develop the leadership of City Heights youth, Mid-City CAN develops youths’ social and political consciousness, while providing them the grassroots organizing skills to participate in youth-adult partnerships involving parents and other residents.

Read our other publications by research area

  • Immigrant Integration & Racial Justice
  • Economic Inclusion & Climate Equity
  • Social Movements & Governing Power
  • Publications Directory

Immigrant Integration & Racial Justice

Our work on immigrant integration and racial justice brings together three emphases: scholarship that draws on academic theory and rigorous research, data that provides information structured to highlight the process of immigrant integration over time, and engagement that seeks to create new dialogues with government, community organizers, business and civic leaders, immigrants and the voting public to advance immigrant integration and racial equity.

Economic Inclusion & Climate Equity

In the area of economic inclusion, we at ERI advance academic theory and practical applications linking economic growth, environmental quality, and civic health with bridging of racial and other gaps; produce accessible and actionable data and analysis through the data tools; and establish research partnerships to deepen and advance the dialogue, planning, and actions around racial equity, environmental justice, and the built environment.

Social Movements & Governing Power

ERI’s work in the area of governing power includes: conducting cross-disciplinary studies of today’s social movements, supporting learning and strategizing efforts to advance dialogues among organizers, funders, intermediaries, evaluators, and academics, and developing research-based social change frameworks and tools to inform—and be informed by—real-world, real-time efforts towards a vision of deep change.

Publications Directory

In 2020, the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) and the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) merged to form the USC Equity Research Institute (ERI).

The full list of publications published under our previous and current names can be found in our publications directory.

a view of the Los Angeles skyline