Power Landscape Assessment
October 2018
Prepared by USC PERE in collaboration with Health and Justice for All Power-Building Landscape Working Group
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
The Health and Justice for All Power-Building Landscape Assessment (PLA) is a scan and data-driven analysis of the organizational landscape in California that supports “historically-excluded adults and youth having power, agency, and voice in public and private decision making to create an inclusive democracy and close health equity gaps”—one of The California Endowment’s North Star Goals.
This brief provides a framework for understanding California’s power-building ecosystem—what is being referred to as the “power flower”—and strategies that drive policy, systems, and structural changes.
Our hope is that it also provokes new thinking and approaches to measuring power. To this end, we encourage taking an ecosystem approach. This necessitates an understanding that achieving health and justice for all Californians is beyond the reach of any single organization but rather requires an ecosystem of diverse organizations that can collectively influence the broad terrain where ideas, policies, and power are contested. At the center of California’s dynamic and constantly evolving ecosystem are organizing and base-building groups—but they alone are insufficient to influencing decision-making and so need an ecosystem of diverse and complimentary capacities.