June 2016
By Veronica Terriquez and Abdiel Lopez
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
Initiated in 2010 by The California Endowment (TCE), the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) initiative has sought to increase access to resources that promote health and well-being in 14 low-income communities across the state. A key component of this 10-year initiative has been to support youth leadership and youth organizing efforts so that young people can play a role in advancing community health. In line with this objective, TCE has funded organizations that take a broad range of approaches to engaging youth in the goals of the BHC initiative.
This report inventories youth programming at the BHC initiative’s five-year midpoint. Drawing on web-survey data collected from the staff of 132 youth-serving organizations across the state, this report describes the characteristics of youth organizations and their participants. It also lists key community issues that youth organizations are seeking to address and describes youths’ roles in grassroots efforts. Overall, this report illustrates the breadth of the BHC youth programming and takes stock of the initiative’s investments in developing the capacity of young people to care for their own well-being and that of their communities. The findings presented here build on earlier evidence that demonstrated how BHC-affiliated youth programs have contributed to the healthy development of participants, fostered a collective commitment to community well-being, and produced tangible campaign victories that seek to reduce health-related disparities.