December 2013
By Jeffrey O. Sacha, Jared P. Sanchez, Ange-Marie Hancock, and Manuel Pastor
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).

A Foot in Both Worlds: Institutionalizing Progressive Community-Engaged Research Centers within Universities explores the relationship between universities and the public through the recent development of progressive community-engaged research centers (PCERCs).
These centers are a relatively new forum through which community-engaged academic research is supported and conducted by universities. The progressive political orientation of PCERCs, including their work on policy change and community capacity building, sets them apart from more traditional research centers.
Our criteria for these centers—that they are both progressive and community-engaged—highlight the originality of these types of institutions. Not only do they embody true progressive principles such as research focused on inequality and power structures; but the centers are also involved in local struggles for social and racial equality and often have direct partnerships with community-based organizations.
The sustainability challenges and strategies for founding, funding, and institutionalizing PCERCs teach us important lessons about the state of university-supported, community-engaged scholarship.