Senior Data Analyst
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Phone: 213.740.9718

Sabrina Kim holds a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA and a BA in Engineering from Hongik University. Sabrina is interested in data visualization and making data on social justice and immigrant integration more accessible. While at UCLA, Sabrina taught Introduction to GIS for two quarters and served as the Co-Chair for Outreach and Engagement for Planners of Color for Social Equity (PCSE). She received the Urban Humanities Certificate where she visited Tokyo and conducted research on homeless eviction in Tokyo in relation to the 2020 Summer Olympics. She also organized the Luskin Japan Trip in 2018 to continue her research interest in how mega-events affect cities and its disadvantaged communities. She currently serves as an Advisory Committee member for the National Nail Salon Study at the UCLA Labor Center.

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Sabrina grew up with a bilingual family and moved back and forth between South Korea and Canada. Before joining the Equity Research Institute, She was a Research and Analysis Intern at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) where she participated in updating the General Plan and Zoning database for 191 cities in Southern California. Sabrina also worked for the Hong Kong Economic Trade Office in South Korea and provided translation services to government delegations for city-wide art events. She enjoys traveling, painting, and reading mystery novels.