Your contributions help our data, analysis, and narratives reach beyond the university to a world in need of solid facts, civil dialogue, and community-driven solutions.
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On the “Giving to USC” online donations website link, please check the box that says “USC Equity Research Institute (ERI) Fund” to direct your contributions to our fund.
Our backstory
Led by Professor Manuel Pastor, the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) was founded in 2007. PERE’s mission was to provide forward-looking, actionable research to support community-based organizations, funders, and other stakeholders working towards social, racial, economic and environmental justice.
In 2008, PERE incubated the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) to remake the narrative for understanding, and to shape the dialogue, on immigrant integration in America. CSII’s work focused on data, events, and publications on immigrant integration and immigration topics. CSII also developed a network of faculty affiliates across the university involved with immigration issues and scholarship. In 2017, CSII launched the Immigrant Integration Wire blog.
On July 28th, 2020, USC PERE and CSII merged into one center now known as the USC Equity Research Institute (ERI).