Senior Data Manager
Pronouns: he/him/his
Phone: 213.740.5433
Justin Scoggins is a Senior Data Manager at the Equity Research Institute. Having been with ERI since 2008, his work focuses on leveraging data to illustrate patterns of social inequality to inform the efforts of those working to reverse those patterns. He maintains and develops core datasets that feed into multiple ERI projects, provides training and support for staff, develops analyses and data tools, and works to preserve the rigor and accuracy of ERI research products. He manages the development and maintenance of indicators for the National Equity Atlas and Bay Area Equity Atlas (in partnership with PolicyLink), as well as for the California Immigrant Data Portal. He holds a Master’s degree in Applied Economics and Finance from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and worked at the Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community there prior to joining ERI. In his spare time, he enjoys surfing, playing disc golf, and supporting his wife—a professional disc golfer—by serving as her caddy.