EASC Graduate Fellowships provide summer stipends, typically between $1,000-$3,000, depending on the proposed course of study. The purpose of the award is to advance understanding of East Asia and/or US-Asia relations. Awards are given based on the quality of the proposed project and budgets submitted with the application. The award may be used for research, language training or area studies, and can also be used for research including Asia in a comparative context or as a case study. Preference is given to applicants who are active in the EASC community.
The East Asian Studies Center set funds for our affiliated faculty to invite guest speakers to their courses during the 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2024-25 academic years. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to help faculty enrich their course content by adding an online guest lecture on a related topic and inviting the wider EASC community to participate in an academic event.