Inger Flem Soto

Inger Flem Soto is a doctoral student in the Spanish and Latin American Studies Track of the USC Ph.D. program in Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture (CSLC). She previously received her BA in Philosophy and later her MA in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Chile.
Inger is broadly interested in issues of sexual difference, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, and Latin American feminist thought. Her dissertation will focus on the mother figure in Chilean works of literature and philosophy.
Inger is also interested in translation theory and practice and recently finished the Spanish translation of Peggy Kamuf’s Literature and the remains of the death penalty [forthcoming 2023, by Ediciones Macul & Ediciones La Cebra], for which she received a Chilean Government Grant (Fondo del Libro Award) in 2021. She is currently a candidate for Graduate Certificates both in Translation Studies and Gender Studies.
- BA Univ. of Chile
- DIP Univ. of Chile