Federico Correa Pose

Federico Correa Pose is a fifth-year doctoral student specializing in Spanish and Latin American Studies. Originally from Uruguay, he completed a BA in Social Communication from the Universidad Católica del Uruguay (2017) and a MS in Rhetoric Theory and Culture from Michigan Technological University (2019).
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Federico´s research interests are situated geographically in the literatures of the Southern Cone, particularly Argentina and Chile. His current research focuses on contemporary debates and discussions around Marxism and Latin American literature, as well as in current (literary) engagements with the concept of the “common” as it has been developed in Marxist theory.
Research Keywords
Southern Cone literature and culture; Populism and Hegemony; Marxism and Post-Marxism
Conference Presentations
- • “La literatura en disputa: el encuentro entre el original y la copia en la ficción barroca de Cervantes y Borges”. XL International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Virtual conference. , 5/2022
- • “On Borges´ anarchist aesthetics: the deconstruction of the I, the critique of authorship and the possibility of an ´other´ politics of writing”. Midwest Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI. , 11/2021
- • “Thinking about political subjectification and libertarian education through Spanish cinema: a reading of the representation of anarchist thought in La lengua de las mariposas [The butterfly´s tongue]”. The American Comparative Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting. Virtual conference. , 4/2021
- • “Literatura nómade: la cuestión del desplazamiento de la escritura y su función política en Nombre falso de Ricardo Piglia”. XXXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Virtual conference. , 5/2020
Book Review
- Correa, F. (2020). “Capitalismo, pandemia y crisis global: reflexiones sobre la covid-19 y nuevas prácticas editoriales”. Dixit.pp. 76-80.
- Correa, F. (2021). “Marcelino Viera. Modernidad sublimada. Escritura y política en el Río de la Plata. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Veruvert, 2019”. Conversaciones del Cono Sur. Magazine of Southern Con Studies..
- Correa Pose, F. (2022). “Biglieri, Paula y Cadahia, Luciana. Siete ensayos sobre el populismo. Barcelona: Herder Editorial. S.L., 2021. 227 pp.”. A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos..pp. 346-351.
Journal Article
- Correa Pose, F. (2022). “Literatura común: el plagio como forma de ‘comunismo literario’ en Nombre falso de Ricardo Piglia”. Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana. Vol. 51 (1), pp. 287-302.