Research Fellows
The cornerstone of the Center’s academic program is our competitive fellowship program, which attracts the brightest scholars from all over the world. The residential fellowships, ranging in length from monthlong to semester-long, enable scholars at all academic levels, including undergraduate students, PhD candidates, and senior scholars, and from all academic disciplines, to work with the rich resources at USC.
Raissa Alonso
2022-2023 Greenberg Research Fellow
Anti-Nazi resistance on the American continent
Diane Marie Amann
2017-2018 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Women at Nuremberg
Noha Ayoub
2017 Undergraduate Student Research Fellow (DEFY)
Nationalism in Rwanda and anti-Tutsi fictionalized narratives
Barnabas Balint
2021-2022 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Growing up Jewish during the Holocaust in Hungary
Kathryn Brackney
2017-2018 Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
Phantom geographies in representations of the Holocaust
Nicholas Bredie
2021 Lev Student Research Fellow
Creative nonfiction drawing from Holocaust testimonies
Virginia Bullington
2018 Lev Student Research Fellow
Narratives of sexual violence and concepts of gender in post-genocide societies
Lauren Cantillon
2020-2021 Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
Jewish women’s narratives of sexual(ized) violence during the Holocaust
Kimberly Cheng
2018-2019 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Jewish refugees and Chinese locals in post-WWII Shanghai
Ioanida Costache
2019-2020 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Cultivation and transmission of Romani memories of the Holocaust through music
Paula Cuellar Cuellar
2016-2017 Center Graduate Research Fellow
Scorched earth as a tactic of genocide in El Salvador and Guatemala
Clara Dijkstra
2023-2024 USC Shoah Foundation Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
Emotional experiences of Jews and Roma (Tsiganes) in detention and internment camps in WWII France
Jean-Marc Dreyfus
2018-2019 Center Research Fellow
Corpses of the Holocaust
Sarah Ernst
2024 Lev Student Research Fellow
Queer individuals living during the Third Reich who were targeted by the Nazis
Kiril Feferman
2015-2016 Center Research Fellow
The role of religion in Jewish survival and rescue in occupied Soviet territories during the Holocaust
Julie Fitzpatrick
2023-2024 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
German-Jewish women’s relationship with food during prewar, wartime, and postwar eras
Piotr Florczyk
2016 Graduate Student Research Fellow (Honorable Mention)
Authoring poetry inspired by testimony
Emily Geminder
2022 Lev Student Research Fellow
Where language fails in Holocaust survivor testimonies
Chad Gibbs
2020-2021 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Gender and spaces of resistance at Treblinka
Nisha Kale
2016 Undergraduate Student Research Fellow (DEFY)
Behavioral responses to stress during genocide
Charlotte Kiechel
2021-2022 USC Shoah Foundation Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
The position of the Holocaust in Rwanda’s national memory culture
Alexander Korb
2016-2017 Center Research Fellow
Participation in the Holocaust by non-Germans in Eastern Europe
Ayşenur Korkmaz
2019-2020 Katz Research Fellow
Spatial belonging, everyday life, and notions of home for Armenian genocide survivors
Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel
2017-2018 Center Research Fellow
Jewish-gentile relations in the occupied Netherlands
Anna Lee
2019 Lev Student Research Fellow
Survivor activism in the aftermath of historical genocides and contemporary mass shootings
Maël Le Noc
2019-2020 Greenberg Research Fellow
Geographies of persecution in occupied Paris
Peg LeVine
2014-2015 Center Research Fellow
Ritualcide and the priming of mass violence and terror under the Khmer Rouge
Vaclav Masek
2022 Lev Student Research Fellow
Collective memory and Indigenous resistance in Guatemala
Jared McBride
2014-2015 Greenberg Research Fellow
Constructing a micro-history of the Holocaust in Western Ukraine
Lukas Meissel
2018-2019 Greenberg Research Fellow
SS photography from concentration camps
Vanessa Belén Dorda Meneses
2017 Genocide Prevention Research Fellow
Sexual violence during the Guatemalan genocide
Erin Mizrahi
2016 Graduate Student Research Fellow
The many roles of silence in testimony
Beatrice Mousli
2016 Faculty Summer Research Fellow
Max Jacob and those who continued to write while under threat during WWII
Alexia Orengo-Green
2024 Lev Student Research Fellow
Jewish children who escaped Nazi Germany and its territories for Latin America, specifically Argentina and Puerto Rico
Pilar Pérez
2023-2024 Center Research Fellow
Indigenous territory and displacement in Guatemalan genocide survivor testimonies
Mehmet Polatel
2019-2020 Center Junior Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The relationship between the Hamidian Massacres and the Armenian Genocide
Irina Rebrova
2017-2018 Greenberg Research Fellow
The role of oral history interviews in Russia’s regional Holocaust memory
Orli Robin
2015 Undergraduate Student Research Fellow (DEFY)
Study of resistance to genocide
Katja Schatte
2016-2017 Greenberg Research Fellow
Jewish women living in East Berlin from 1945 to 1990
Lacey Schauwecker
2016 Graduate Student Research Fellow
Exploring screaming in art and testimony in Central America, focusing on Guatemala during her residency
Christina Schoellkopf
2015 Undergraduate Student Research Fellow (DEFY)
Anti-Tutsi discrimination in Rwanda
Allison Somogyi
2019-2020 USC-Yale Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Discussion of sexual violence in postwar testimonies by Hungarian-Jewish Holocaust survivors
Sanna Stegmaier
2018-2019 Center Graduate Research Fellow (Honorable Mention)
Transnational and transgenerational Holocaust memory in the digital age
Lucy Sun
2020 Lev Student Research Fellow
Chinese women’s resistance to sexual violence during the Nanjing massacre
Carli Snyder
2022-2023 USC Shoah Foundation Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
The place of gender and sexuality in interviewer trainings and Holocaust survivor testimonies
Ryan Cheuk Him Sun
2022-2023 Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellow
Jewish refugees’ experiences on ships bound for Shanghai
Alexandra Szabó
2023-2024 Greenberg Research Fellow
Hungarian Romani and Jewish women’s experiences of fertility abuses
Atharva Tewari
2021 Lev Student Research Fellow
Rohingya citizenship and belonging
Lilia Tomchuk
2021-2022 Greenberg Research Fellow
Agency, choice, survival, and resistance of Jewish women during the Holocaust in Transnistria
Gabor Toth
2018-2019 Center Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Recovering and representing victims’ experiences during the Holocaust through digital tools
Bieke Van Camp
2018-2019 Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
Social bonds, barriers, and networks amongst Italian Jewish deportees
Teresa Walch
2016-2017 Katz Research Fellow in Genocide Studies
Excluding Jews from their homeland and erasing ‘Jewish spaces’ in Nazi Germany
Julia Werner
2015-2016 Greenberg Research Fellow
Ghettoization as represented in photographs and examination of what’s outside the frame
Danielle Willard-Kyle
2018-2019 Center Graduate Research Fellow
Jewish survivors who went through Italian Displaced Persons camps after World War II
Griffin Williams
2017 Undergraduate Student Research Fellow (DEFY)
Death marches during the Holocaust
Florian Zabransky
2020-2021 Greenberg Research Fellow
Intersection of intimacy, violence, and agency of Jewish men during the Holocaust
Maria Zalewska
2017 Graduate Student Research Fellow
Reimagining landscapes of pre-Holocaust Poland
Rachel Zaretsky
2020 Lev Student Research Fellow
Creating a visual and somatic artistic response to Holocaust survivor testimonies