illustration of an outline of a human head with small circular photos of a landscape, a stethoscope, and a person delivering a food box, all against a yellow background

Wrigley Institute contributes to new initiative on public policy

Original story by Lance Ignon

A new initiative, housed at the USC Schaeffer Institute for Public Policy & Government Service, will draw on behavioral science to help inform the creation of public policies that are more effective in changing people’s behavior around urgent issues such as climate change.

The Behavioral Science & Policy Initiative will be led by Wrigley Institute faculty affiliate Wändi Bruine de Bruin, whose research has included studies on how the public reacts to specific climate change terminology. A supporting academic council will help guide the initiative.

Among other USC experts, the council will include Wrigley Institute Director Joe Árvai, who studies environmental decision-making; Wrigley Institute Curator Allison Agsten, who is also the director of the USC Annenberg Center for Climate Journalism and Communication; and Wrigley Institute faculty affiliate Norbert Schwarz, who studies how social context affects public opinion and consumer behavior.

Read the full story on the Schaeffer Institute website >>