The POIR Program hosts the USC POIR Predoctoral Summer Institute for First-Generation and Diverse Scholars. This institute is targeted towards first-generation and minority undergraduate, master’s, or law students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in political science or allied social science fields (e.g., sociology, economics, or public policy).
The USC POIR Predoctoral Summer Institute is for students primarily in the southern California area, especially those from nearby universities. It is an opportunity for undergraduate/M.A. students to come to USC to (1) learn more about political science and social science Ph.D. programs and what getting a Ph.D. in political science is like; and (2) for institute participants to receive direct feedback and advice on how to craft a successful and competitive application for admission to a Ph.D. program in social science, political science, and international relations.
What is included?
An introduction to Ph.D. programs in political science, international relations, and social science, including an overview and demystification of graduate school and details regarding funding/fellowships for Ph.D. students.
Direct feedback and advice on how to craft a successful and competitive application for admission to a Ph.D. program in political science or similar social science fields. Examples of application materials from students who have recently been accepted into the top Ph.D. programs in political science will be provided to participants in order to assist participants with their own future Ph.D. applications to USC or elsewhere.
USC faculty and Ph.D. students in the political science and international relations (POIR) Ph.D. program will work directly with institute participants on their application materials including research statements, CVs/resumes, and writing samples in breakout sessions.
A chance to meet faculty and Ph.D. students at USC to discuss their research interests and provide an overview of the discipline as it relates to institute participants’ own interests.
Information about research assistant opportunities at USC and elsewhere. Participants in this institute will learn about opportunities to have their Ph.D. graduate school application fees waived if they apply to the USC POIR Ph.D. program.
Why are we doing this?
“The institute’s ultimate goal is to increase the pipeline of minority and first-generation Ph.D. students and professors. Secondarily, we hope the institute will create an increase in the diversity of the applicant pool for the POIR and other Ph.D. programs at USC.” – Christian Grose, Professor and co-founder of the Predoctoral Summer Institute
Find out more information about the inaugural institute and our mission for the program in this interview with former POIR Director, Christian Grose.

To Apply
The Predoctoral Summer Institute will be taking a hiatus in 2024 to re-group and refine our efforts, and ensure a more successful program in the future!
Please check back in Spring 2025 for information about our next institute.