There are numerous benefits to studying abroad, academically, personally and professionally:

1. Earn Major/Minor Credit

You will work with Overseas Studies and your academic advisor to make sure that your study abroad program is academically meaningful and will keep you on track for graduation.

You will become a more well-rounded student by taking courses not offered on campus, or those similar to on-campus courses with a different academic context. For more information on academic credit.

2. It’s Affordable

Don’t let cost stand in the way of studying abroad! Most forms of financial aid travel with you and total program costs are often comparable to a semester of study in L.A., if not cheaper.

We are here to help explain the expenses associated with various programs and how financial aid and scholarships work. Get started with our information on costs, financial aid and scholarships.

3. Wide Program Availability

With over 55 programs in 30 countries there are options for every student. Learn how to pick a program and let us know if we can help you find the best fit for you.

4. Launch Your Future

Study abroad enhances your graduate school and career opportunities because you will improve your interpersonal skills, and you can even gain international internship or volunteer experience.

5. Travel & Explore

Study abroad will expand your understanding of the world and yourself.  You will become more self-reliant and resourceful, make new friends, learn about your heritage or gain new perspectives on your identity, and delve into local arts, culture, cuisine and sports. What are you waiting for?


Thinking of studying abroad at some point during your USC career? Make sure you have a valid passport ready before you apply. Learn how to apply for or renew your passport.


As you start looking into study abroad, reference our information on eligibility requirements for semester study abroad and contact us with any questions.

Information for Parents

Parents can play an important role in the decision to study abroad. Reference our Information for Parents to get started.

Student Experiences

Read about the experiences of fellow Trojans abroad in our Student Experiences section.

Diversity Resources

Check out our Resources for Diversity & Inclusion in Study Abroad, which has information for racial & ethnic minority students, economically disadvantaged students, LGBTQ students, heritage seekers, students with disabilities, female students, religious diversity abroad and first generation college students.