9th Western Conference on Mathematical Fianance.

The 9th Western Conference on Mathematical Finance (WCMF-9) will be held at University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, on November 16-17, 2018, the weekend before the Thanksgiving holidays.
The conference will continue a decade long tradition since 2007 with the main purpose of bringing together researchers from Western U.S. who work in the areas of quantitative finance, stochastic control, stochastic and statistical methods in finance and insurance and other areas to present recent works and foster new interactions. The conference pays strong attention to promoting researchers and academics in the early stages of their career. Graduate students are encouraged to participate.
Among many mainstream research subjects in mathematical finance, this conference will highlight some interdisciplinary subjects involving mathematics, financial economics, statistics and computer science, in the growing field of “Fintech”.
Registration is free, but required for all participants for the purpose of conference management. There is a limited travel fund for supporting junior researcher and graduate student participants. To apply, click here or go to Financial Support.
Sponsors :
USC Mathematical Finance Program
USC Department of Mathematics