The USC Korean Studies Institute invites applications for the Annual USC Graduate Conference in Korean Studies. This conference aims to foster a multidisciplinary community of local and regional graduate students whose research projects significantly engage Korean society and culture across the periods. It offers a platform for emerging scholars to present their work-in-progress, receive feedback from faculty and peers, and participate in interdisciplinary discussions within a supportive environment.

We welcome applicants from the humanities and social sciences who are conducting research related to Korea, East Asia, or Asian diasporas. Submissions that situate Korea within broader comparative or theoretical frameworks are especially encouraged.

KSI aims to make USC the key university that produces young scholars with the local area expertise to challenge and enhance debates about American grand strategy. Each year, USC brings 3-4 external ABD students to USC.

KSI provides grants to doctoral students for field research work in Korea. This grant may be used to visit archives, critical libraries, or other institutions and carry out interviews or surveys.